The household worker
According to definitions of the responsibility and scope of work of household workers they may clean homes, plan and cook meals, do laundry, administer the household account books, care for children, and perform numerous other duties, such as gardening and household maintenance.
Now that are more responsibilities than I ever imagined a household worker will be looking after specially given their status in society where in some posh eating houses and clubs this person who contributes so much for a household is not even allowed to enter the premises and if his or her employees make the mistake of taking him or her along they have to let him sit outside on a stool like a child punished for bad behavior.
In the more aristocratic establishment there are even signs spelling out the restrictions on household workers.
The whole thing and this process of thinking took a tumble when as you might remember there was a flood of Filipina maids and people were competing to be the next to hire that status symbol.
The security people and even some senior staff at........
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