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Will the upcoming Disco boards be a fiasco again?

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Non-professionalism in the power sector has been dubbed as the main reason for the present rot. Here, the present lacklustre governance at the MoE’s (Ministry of Energy’s) level and the huge management holes in DISCOs is considered as the direct result of this non-professionalism.

It is further oft-repeated that the Disco BoDs (boards of directors), acting as the WAPDA of the yore, hold the key to success or oblivion. The experts have been shouting hoarse that if the boards are not appropriately notified, no power on earth will be able to save the power sector of Pakistan and in extension the people who sadly have to bear the brunt of the continued losses.

Looking at the happenings of the last five years, we see that the then boards were replaced in 2021 with a fully KE-centric composition, where as much as 42 mid-level erstwhile functionaries of the K-Electric and allied entities were notified for the 10 DISCOs and the poor NTDC (National Transmission and Dispatch Company).

The only redeeming factor was that these people at least knew a few of the buzzwords being used in the power industry. One or two academicians were added in order to give these bodies a semblance of academic value.

These Einsteins were unable to leave any mark, but the one or two real professionals did try their best with not much of success. All of the above happened as a former CEO of the K-Electric (even smaller in size and yearly revenues in comparison to LESCO) had been selected as the SAPM (Special Assistant to........

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