The Case of the Disappearing Ballots
Mail-in ballots are on the docket in several ongoing election fraud cases in Pennsylvania, Washington, D.C., and Maryland. The lawsuits ask for transparency with regard to contracts with the United States Postal Service (USPS) to transport alleged completed mail-in ballots. The lawsuits hope to get to the bottom of questions about the legitimacy of the ballots, where the ballots are going, and what is being done with them. These cases may settle questions around whether fraudulent ballots are being used in our elections to stuff the ballot box, among other things.
In October 2020, thousands of mail-in ballots were allegedly transported across state lines from Bethpage N.Y. to PA. Evidence shows that ballots were loaded on to a truck driven by USPS subcontractor Jesse Morgan. Morgan delivered them to Lancaster, PA and the ballots allegedly disappeared. Morgan has publicly spoken about what he witnessed and has also provided a signed affidavit about the incident.
In December 2020, Morgan testified that 24 Gaylord containers (allegedly with as many as 288,000 signed ballots ) disappeared with his trailer on Oct. 21, 2024. According to reporting........© American Thinker
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