The Christian faith has been under attack for centuries.

In the time of many still living, the war against Christianity has intensified to the level of bringing about the “post-Christian times.” Who and what Christians today need to follow is at a peak of confusion, especially since even the pope has cast doubt on the mission of the Church in the world and sided with “new world order” globalist moguls who have no use for any authority above theirs.

Authentic Christianity -- and authentic Judaism -- stand in the way of total control over every human being -– the grandiose goal of many a past dictator to “conquer the world.”

The campaign of globalists to rule over everybody accelerated after 1970, with leftist activists assuming roles of influence in the Protestant churches and started “updating” the Gospel of Jesus Christ, with input from Marxist “Liberation Theology.” The changes were injected into the mainstream churches in small doses over many decades. (I was a hired Catholic church organist since the early 1980s and witnessed this corrupting process.)

The intended transformation of Christianity was gradual at first, so as not to alarm anyone, as pulpits were used to deconstruct the faith and prepare its followers for life in a “new world order.”

The once-potent Catholic arm of Christianity had already been enfeebled in the Second Vatican Council (1962-1965), a move that scattered many away from the Church and eventually made many wonder, 'why go to church'? After all, if everyone is going to heaven -– “God don’t make junk,” remember? -– and sin isn’t even mentioned, why bother?

The truth, of course, is that authentic Christianity prescribes conformity to the moral precepts preached by Christ, teachings that encompass not just his love for humanity but the love of each of us for one another, that message for men and women of good that dawned with his birth.

Divisive, political conformity is not what is asked of us by God. Today’s so-called “Christian” church leaders have forgotten their mission, which is to lead people to God, not to Caesar. Theirs is the job to make the Church steer the times, not make the times steer the Church. To act as a rubber stamp for change, according to the latest political environment, is to desert one’s post as a servant of God and humanity.

The overused word “change” –- bandied about without clarification -– always makes me ask, change to what?

Is it 'change' to follow Christ or is it change to follow the politics of the day? I am reminded of the changes made by masters of the art like Stalin, Hitler, Mao, and other dictators who have led people to great misery and tragedy. And I think of the so-called “elites” in Davos and Washington, D.C., busy at changes to the world far more destructive than any of the past.

After Marxist change, values stepped out of the closet during the social and cultural upheavals of the 1960s, Christian worship started to get warped by Liberation Theology. This Marxist carrot-on-a-stick for prelates aiming at “social justice” made many fall for the big lie that Marxism and Christianity are compatible with each other and mutually supportive.

The subsequent action to “update” the Christian faith – that is, reject it -– helped create the sinless, no-fault, Christian-flavored religion of America’s mainline churches. To highlight the mockery made of Christian doctrine since 1970, imagine Jesus Christ saying, “Follow yourself and do what is right for you.” Or, “Your sins are forgiven – go, and keep sinning, for it can’t be helped.” Or (referring to the Ten Commandments), imagine this change to Number 6: “Thou shalt not kill, unless it be a medical procedure.”

Faithful Christians have seen enough of the destructive influence of so-called “Christian” leaders, acting in the name of progress and justice. Explain their claim to all who have lost jobs, money, property, and loved ones for being in the wrong minority.

You are in the “wrong minority” if you:

The total rejection of true Christians and Jews came swiftly in the last decades of the 20th century. It will surprise many not born before the 1960s, that in the presidential election campaign of 1952, at the Democratic National Convention in Chicago, the chosen (but reluctant) candidate, Adlai Stevenson, said in his acceptance speech: “I have asked the merciful Father, the Father to us all, to let this cup pass from me. But from such dread responsibility one does not shrink in fear, in self-interest or in false humility...”

Compare that presidential candidate with any today and with the current occupant of the White House, who pushes to allow women to kill babies not yet born, after the Supreme Court at last corrected its 1973 mistake in Roe v. Wade.

Can men and women who love children, who love life, who love truth -– whether they are religious or not -– allow killing children in or out of the womb? That unthinkable act can come only from someone without a heart or a sound mind.

In 1988 my brother Salvatore, a World War II veteran, made a prophetic statement regarding these post-Christian times. Referring to the division between true Catholics, Protestants, and Jews and those who claim to be Christians and Jews but in reality reject their professed religion, he wrote the following in a letter to me:

“When the two sides are chosen for the final battle, it won’t be the Catholics on one side and the non-Catholics on the other side; no, it will be genuine (or orthodox) Catholics, Protestants and Jews on one side, and counterfeit Catholics, Protestants and Jews on the other side.”

This is an accurate assessment of the division between true Christians and enemies of the faith who call themselves “Christian” but arent. It is also a call to Christians and Jews to resist to their face those religious leaders who have corrupted the Word of God and forsaken their mission to serve God and humanity.

Anthony J. DeBlasi is a veteran and lifelong culture warrior.


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A Hard Look At Post-Christian Times

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The Christian faith has been under attack for centuries.

In the time of many still living, the war against Christianity has intensified to the level of bringing about the “post-Christian times.” Who and what Christians today need to follow is at a peak of confusion, especially since even the pope has cast doubt on the mission of the Church in the world and sided with “new world order” globalist moguls who have no use for any authority above theirs.

Authentic Christianity -- and authentic Judaism -- stand in the way of total control over every human being -– the grandiose goal of many a past dictator to “conquer the world.”

The campaign of globalists to rule over everybody accelerated after 1970, with leftist activists assuming roles of influence in the Protestant churches and started “updating” the Gospel of Jesus Christ, with input from Marxist “Liberation Theology.” The changes were injected into the mainstream churches in small doses over many decades. (I was a hired Catholic church organist since the early 1980s and witnessed this corrupting process.)

The intended transformation of Christianity was gradual at first, so as not to alarm anyone, as pulpits were used to deconstruct the faith and prepare its followers for life in a “new world order.”

The once-potent Catholic arm of Christianity had already been enfeebled in the Second Vatican Council (1962-1965), a move that scattered many away from the Church and eventually made many wonder, 'why go to church'? After all, if everyone........

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