Sarah Anderson

Sarah Anderson

Business Insider

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Billions in Taxpayers Subsidies Shouldn't Be Used for Stock Buybacks to Enrich Greedy Investors

Public money should serve the public good.

11.07.2024 7

Common Dreams

Sarah Anderson

Wealthy Corporations Are Cheating Ordinary Americans Twice

Corporate tax dodging deprives the nation of billions of dollars in revenue while exorbitant executive pay siphons money from worker wages, R&D,...

21.03.2024 9

Common Dreams

Sarah Anderson

These Companies Pay Their Executives More Than They Pay in Taxes

In his State of the Union address, President Biden called out “massive executive pay” and vowed to “make big corporations and the very wealthy...

17.03.2024 50


Sarah Anderson

We Know We Need Change When Major US Companies Pay Execs More Than Uncle Sam

Until this self-reinforcing cycle is broken, we’ll have a corporate tax and compensation system that works for top executives—and no one else.

14.03.2024 5

Common Dreams

Sarah Anderson

Could Poorer Voters Determine the Outcome of the 2024 Election?

The Poor People’s Campaign is organizing to push the concerns of poor and low-income people into the center of the 2024 political debate.

20.02.2024 20

Common Dreams

Sarah Anderson

Politicians Are Overlooking a Powerful Voting Bloc: Poor and Low-Income Voters

Amidst all the nail-biting uncertainty over the 2024 election, one thing’s for sure: turnout will be key. This February, the Poor People’s...

18.02.2024 10


Sarah Anderson

The Ukraine War Could Come To An Unexpected End – OpEd

By Michael von der Schulenburg* Even if there is still fighting at the front, recent developments in Ukraine would suggest that the war could end in a...

15.02.2024 10

Eurasia Review

Sarah Anderson

Poor And Low-Income Voters Are A Sleeping Giant – OpEd

Amidst all the nail-biting uncertainty over the 2024 election, one thing’s for sure: turnout will be key. This February, the Poor People’s...

15.02.2024 10

Eurasia Review

Sarah Anderson

The SEC Should’t Let Business Interests Call the Shots on Stock Buybacks

After the Chamber of Commerce successfully challenged one version of a disclosure regulation in court, the commission should come back with a revised,...

13.02.2024 40

Common Dreams

Sarah Anderson

10 Victories the Working Class Won in 2023

Looking for something positive to celebrate on New Year’s Eve? Consider lifting a glass to the hardworking people behind these inspiring victories...

23.12.2023 8


Sarah Anderson

10 Working-Class Victories to Celebrate in 2023

From the picket lines to state houses to the White House, champions in the fight against inequality landed huge wins.

22.12.2023 6

Common Dreams

Sarah Anderson

How Biden Can De-Reaganify Contracting Standards

We should’ve gotten rid of these Reagan-era restrictions long ago, but doing so now is more important than ever, with massive new federal funds in...

10.12.2023 20

Common Dreams

Sarah Anderson
