Rana Foroohar

Rana Foroohar

Financial Times

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Kamala Harris can’t count on American labour

The Democrats still have the problem of how to lock in the working-class vote

22.07.2024 4

Financial Times

Rana Foroohar

Immigrants really do get the job done

But even as migration greases the wheels of the US economy, it is becoming the source of increasing political friction

08.07.2024 30

Financial Times

Rana Foroohar

CEOs in the age of anxiety

Changing concerns and business models demand more sophisticated strategies for regionalisation and de-risking

01.07.2024 40

Financial Times

Rana Foroohar

How to fix fast fashion

Could consumer demand help drive down the cost of producing goods in America?

24.06.2024 10

Financial Times

Rana Foroohar

How the US became tangled up in red tape

American bureaucracy is burgeoning in both public and private sectors

17.06.2024 20

Financial Times

Rana Foroohar

Charting trade chokepoints: a how-to guide

Understanding what our supply chains really look like could help make friendshoring a reality

10.06.2024 30

Financial Times

Rana Foroohar

The many-sided crisis in consulting

Disruption is coming to bite the industry that made a cult of it

03.06.2024 30

Financial Times

Rana Foroohar

How to fix America’s loneliness crisis

Solving the issue needs to be a bipartisan effort

27.05.2024 40

Financial Times

Rana Foroohar

Not all American tariffs are created equal

Unlike Trump’s policies, the Biden trade strategy aims to build domestic industrial capacity and could be good for US allies

20.05.2024 30

Financial Times

Rana Foroohar

The crippling home insurance crisis hitting America

While climate is changing, the model for insurance has not

29.04.2024 10

Financial Times

Rana Foroohar

The White House knows that the global south has a point

Rich countries espouse active industrial policy at home while continuing to impose outdated policies abroad

23.04.2024 30

Financial Times

Rana Foroohar

Gold is back — and it has a message for us

The precious metal’s surge may herald a whole new world

15.04.2024 20

Financial Times

Rana Foroohar

The great American transport crisis tells us something

From the Baltimore bridge collapse to chaos at Boeing, what look like discrete problems are in fact part of a wider dysfunction

07.04.2024 10

Financial Times

Rana Foroohar

China’s hypocrisy on trade

Complaining about US protectionism to the WTO while protecting your own economy is rich indeed

01.04.2024 60

Financial Times

Rana Foroohar

Beware AI euphoria

Like all great bubble stories, the latest tech narrative conveys a sense of inevitability

25.03.2024 20

Financial Times

Rana Foroohar

America (still) has no industrial policy

Subsidies, tariffs and good intentions don’t add up to what is needed

18.03.2024 30

Financial Times

Rana Foroohar

To surge or not to surge, the algorithm is the question

From rides to burgers, consumers may balk when differential pricing comes to their favourite real-world businesses

10.03.2024 30

Financial Times

Rana Foroohar

What Super Tuesday tells us about the economy of the mind

Feelings, not facts, will drive the results of upcoming US primaries

04.03.2024 10

Financial Times

Rana Foroohar

The global trade system is in desperate need of an overhaul

Our understanding of comparative advantage is confused and damaging

25.02.2024 10

Financial Times

Rana Foroohar

Europe must ask: what if Biden wins in November?

Traditional allies of the US are pondering a response to Trump 2.0 but they need a plan for a Democratic election victory as well

19.02.2024 30

Financial Times

Rana Foroohar

America now has a high-pressure economy

It’s good for the time being, but you have to wonder what will happen when the valves are released

11.02.2024 20

Financial Times

Rana Foroohar

The great US-Europe antitrust divide

There are fundamental differences in how the two see corporate concentration

05.02.2024 10

Financial Times

Rana Foroohar

The financial system needs more capital and less complexity

As the Fed ponders the Basel III rules, we should aim for a regulatory structure that is simple and boring

29.01.2024 7

Financial Times

Rana Foroohar

Business is starting to think more about ROI than DEI

American companies are changing their approach to diversity and inclusion

22.01.2024 10

Financial Times

Rana Foroohar

America needs straight talk on trade

Allies are crying out for clarity from the Biden administration, with a clear plan from Trump waiting in the wings

15.01.2024 30

Financial Times

Rana Foroohar

Content creators fight back against AI

Big Tech receives new round of lawsuits from news providers and others

08.01.2024 30

Financial Times

Rana Foroohar

Year in a word: De-risking

A softer alternative to ‘decoupling’, which fell out of favour with the G7 this year

01.01.2024 30

Financial Times

Rana Foroohar

America’s childcare system is broken

The end of pandemic-era childcare subsidies drives home the need for a new form of provision

01.01.2024 10

Financial Times

Rana Foroohar

The economic year ahead will not be binary

Markets are looking for simplistic yes or no answers to complicated questions

17.12.2023 8

Financial Times

Rana Foroohar

Tax justice is yet to hit the richest ‘citizens of the world’

A Supreme Court case highlights the difficulties of raising revenue from wealthy people who can park money offshore

11.12.2023 20

Financial Times

Rana Foroohar

US CEOs start to contemplate Trump, round 2

Executives should think long and hard about what it would mean if the former president is re-elected

03.12.2023 20

Financial Times

Rana Foroohar
