Paul Goble

Paul Goble

Eurasia Review

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Putin’s Recent Personnel Moves Threaten To Spark Conspiracies Against Him – OpEd

Over the course of the last month, Vladimir Putin has offended large swaths of his entourage by firing or demoting officials but leaving them or their...

yesterday 9

Eurasia Review

Paul Goble

Putin Came To Power Because Russian Reformers Of 1990s Focused On Privatizing Economy Rather Than On Creating New Political System – OpEd

Russian liberal reformers in the 1990s laid the groundwork for the rise of a ruler like Putin by using despotic means to achieve the liberal goal of...

18.06.2024 8

Eurasia Review

Paul Goble

In 1991 Russian People Wanted A Sovereign Russia, Were Ready To Give Up The Empire And Opened Way To Disintegration Of USSR – OpEd

By accusing Gorbachev, Yeltsin, and Western governments of being behind the disintegration of the Soviet Union, Aleksandr Tsipko says, the Putin...

16.06.2024 5

Eurasia Review

Paul Goble

Putin Successfully Exploiting Widespread Anti-Americanism To Gain International Support – OpEd

Vladimir Putin has “very successfully” exploited both widespread anti-Americanism especially in the global south and the belief which exists there...

15.06.2024 10

Eurasia Review

Paul Goble

Resignation Of Gantz From War Cabinet To Have Serious Implications On The War – OpEd

By Alon Ben-Meir* The leader of the National Unity party, Benny Gantz, who resigned from the war cabinet, may well

12.06.2024 5

Eurasia Review

Paul Goble

Ukrainian Drones Now Attacking Russian Facilities In Non-Russian Regions – OpEd

Ukrainian drones have now hit targets in a dozen federal subjects of the Russian Federation. Most of these are predominantly

12.06.2024 5

Eurasia Review

Paul Goble

Russia Increasingly Faces ‘Second Generation Problem’ With Immigrants – OpEd

Russian commentators have occasionally suggested that Russia faces “a second generation” problem with its immigrant communities like the one that...

08.06.2024 9

Eurasia Review

Paul Goble

Turning Point In South Caucasus: Border Guards Replace Military Units Along Newly Delimited Portion Of Armenian-Azerbaijani Border – OpEd

In April, Yerevan and Baku agreed on the delimitation of the Armenian-Azerbaijan border in the north the return to Azerbaijan of four villages to...

27.05.2024 30

Eurasia Review

Paul Goble

Putin’s Visit To Harbin Speaks Volumes About Growing Chinese Self-Confidence – OpEd

During his time in China, Vladimir Putin for the first time visited Harbin, a city in northeastern China near the Russian border that was founded by...

26.05.2024 40

Eurasia Review

Paul Goble

Under Guise Of ‘Joint Development,’ Is Putin Setting Stage For Transferring Russian Land To China? – OpEd

At his recent summit meeting with Chinese leaders, Vladimir Putin signed an agreement calling for “the joint development” of disputed islands in...

23.05.2024 20

Eurasia Review

Paul Goble

Environmental Issues May Soon Affect Armenian-Azerbaijani Border Dispute – OpEd

Armenian and Azerbaijani officials have been making progress in the delimitation of the state border between them, despite the difficulties left over...

20.05.2024 10

Eurasia Review

Paul Goble

Moscow Should Draw On History Of Komintern To Overthrow Existing World Order, Naryshkin Says – OpEd

Sergey Naryshkin, head of the SVR, says that Russia should draw on the experience of the Communist International (Komintern), a Soviet-led union of...

19.05.2024 40

Eurasia Review

Paul Goble

Putin Goes Far Beyond Stalin In Defending All Russian Actions Against Non-Russians – OpEd

Vladimir Putin’s new decree goes far beyond Stalin in defending all Russian actions against non-Russians past and present and in

13.05.2024 40

Eurasia Review

Paul Goble

Russia Removes Guards From Armenian-Azerbaijani Border, But Not From Borders With Iran And Turkey, Kremlin Says – OpEd

At Yerevan’s request and in a way consistent with Moscow’s withdrawal of its so-called “peacekeepers” from Azerbaijani territory, the Russian

11.05.2024 90

Eurasia Review

Paul Goble

‘Cold Schism’ In Orthodox World Likely To Become ‘Hot’ If Moscow Church Continues To Back Kremlin And War At Home And Abroad – OpEd

The Moscow Patriarchate’s unqualified support for Putin’s aggression abroad and repression at home has already led to the isolation of the Russian...

09.05.2024 40

Eurasia Review

Paul Goble

Iran Wants To Expand Its Influence In Central Asia And Use Tajikistan To Help It Do So – OpEd

Over the last two years, Tehran has sought to increase its influence in Central Asia, convinced that changes in the region and more broadly make that...

07.05.2024 20

Eurasia Review

Paul Goble

Lukashenka Intensifying Repression Against Belarusians At Home And Abroad – OpEd

Since the start of Putin’s war in Ukraine, Alyaksandr Lukashenka has been intensifying his repression of Belarusians at home and of Belarusians in...

06.05.2024 10

Eurasia Review

Paul Goble

Moscow Expanding Contacts Between Russian Regions And Belarusian Ones – OpEd

Moscow has stepped up its effort to expand contacts between regions in the Russian Federation and regions in Belarus, in support of closer integration...

04.05.2024 40

Eurasia Review

Paul Goble

While Kremlin Focuses On Ukraine, Rest Of Post-Soviet Space ‘Disappearing Before Our Eyes’ – OpEd

The Putin regime’s obsessive focus on Ukraine is not only isolating Russia from the West but it is reducing Moscow’s influence across the former...

02.05.2024 30

Eurasia Review

Paul Goble

Russian Justice Ministry Calls For Declaring Non-Existent ‘Anti-Russian Separatist Movement’ An ‘Extremist’ Organization

 Last fall, Grigory Golosov, a professor at St. Petersburg’s European University, said that Moscow has come up with a new means of going after...

28.04.2024 10

Eurasia Review

Paul Goble

Withdrawal Of Russian Troops From Armenia Could Prove Even More Fateful Than Their Pullout From Azerbaijan – OpEd

Russian and international media have devoted enormous attention to Moscow’s decision to withdraw its so-called “peace keepers” from Azerbaijan...

22.04.2024 40

Eurasia Review

Paul Goble

Given Russian Response To Terrorist Attack, Central Asian Countries Are ‘Moving Away’ From Moscow – OpEd

Moscow has always assumed that the Central Asian countries would remain in its corner because of their authoritarian leaderships and the lack of an...

18.04.2024 20

Eurasia Review

Paul Goble

Latent Disloyalty Among Russians Now So Great It Could Explode In Kremlin’s Face In A Crisis – OpEd

Over the last two years, the number of Russians who refuse to answer pollsters’ questions has soared, a trend that calls into question all claims...

16.04.2024 10

Eurasia Review

Paul Goble

Russia’s Lack Of Infrastructure Makes It Hard To Improve Lives Of Arctic Zone Residents – OpEd

The majority of the 2,440,000 people living in Russia’s enormous Arctic zone are working-age men who are often do not remain there for long even...

14.04.2024 10

Eurasia Review

Paul Goble

Is The Russian Federation Set To Fall Apart On Its Own? – OpEd

The Congress of the League of Free Nations which took place in Estonia April 6-7 provided not only many insights about the direction such groups are...

13.04.2024 8

Eurasia Review

Paul Goble

New Militarism: Biden Is Doing Very Things He Criticized During His Campaign – OpEd

By Jonathan Power* “Diplomacy is back”, President Joe Biden said shortly after becoming president. But then, in the middle of a delicate...

11.04.2024 4

Eurasia Review

Paul Goble

Telephone Terrorism Returns To Russia, Lengthening Shadow Of Crocus City Hall Attack – OpEd

 In the past few days, what Russian officials refer to as “telephone terrorism” – the calling in of warnings that bombs have been placed in...

11.04.2024 10

Eurasia Review

Paul Goble

Moscow Church In Estonia Rejects ‘Russian World’ As Being At Odds With The Gospels – OpEd

The synod of the Estonian Orthodox Church of the Moscow Patriarchate has declared that the idea of “a Russian world” now being pushed by Patriarch...

09.04.2024 4

Eurasia Review

Paul Goble

Kremlin Arrests Aleksandr Skobov, A Russian Who Has Exposed Dangers Putin Represents To World – OpEd

It is sadly no surprise that the Kremlin has now arrested Aleksandr Skobov, a dissident in Soviet times and a dissident in post-Soviet ones, because...

07.04.2024 10

Eurasia Review

Paul Goble

In Kazakhstan, Moscow Now Working Hard To Ensure Its Propaganda Appears In Kazakh-Language Outlets – OpEd

 In a development with potentially far-reaching consequences, Moscow is now working to ensure that its propaganda is carried by Kazakh-language print...

06.04.2024 9

Eurasia Review

Paul Goble

Only 1,437 Of More Than 100,000 Ethnic Armenians Who Fled Karabakh Have Applied For Armenian Republic Citizenship – OpEd

After Baku restored Azerbaijani control over Karabakh last fall and the Armenian authorities there announced the dissolution of the breakaway republic...

04.04.2024 7

Eurasia Review

Paul Goble

Patriarch Kirill Says West Trying To Set Muslims And Christians In Russia Against One Another Just As It Did In Yugoslavia in 1990s – OpEd

The Crocus City Hall terrorist attack is the latest example of the West’s longstanding effort to set Russia’s Christians and Russia’s Muslims...

01.04.2024 10

Eurasia Review

Paul Goble

Shortcomings Of Last Russian Census Contributing To Policy Mistakes Now – OpEd

The 2020/21 Russian census, most experts and observers say, suffered from serious shortcomings: It took place during the covid pandemic, and large...

31.03.2024 8

Eurasia Review

Paul Goble

Russian Emigres Must Change Their Focus Given Prospect Of A Long Putin Dictatorship – OpEd

Just like earlier Russian emigrations, many who fled Russia in disgust and fear after Putin launched his expanded invasion of Ukraine assumed that...

28.03.2024 10

Eurasia Review

Paul Goble

In Russia’s Presidential Elections ‘Everyone Played Their Assigned Roles’ – OpEd

In the just-completed Russian presidential elections, Denis Volkov says, “everyone played their assigned roles: the loyal majority rallied around...

26.03.2024 30

Eurasia Review

Paul Goble

Sign Of Trouble Ahead: Housing Prices Dropping In Russia’s Largest Cities Despite Growing Populations – OpEd

Russians have traditionally put their money into real estate viewing it as the perhaps the safest defense against future shocks. Consequently, prices...

22.03.2024 4

Eurasia Review

Paul Goble

Moscow Using Russian Regions To Promote Separatism On Moldova – OpEd

Moscow has a long history of using border regions to expand Russian influence in neighboring countries, but in the case of Moldova, a country with...

17.03.2024 10

Eurasia Review

Paul Goble

West Mistakenly Thinks Russia In Terminal Decline, While Moscow Elites Wrongly Believe They Can Restore Its Superpower Status – OpEd

Many of the mistakes Western elites have made about Russia and that Moscow elites have made about their own county arise from misconceptions each has...

16.03.2024 20

Eurasia Review

Paul Goble

Lithuania: Muslim Community Has Grown From 3,000 A Few Years Ago To More Than 15,000 – OpEd

Until very recently, the Muslim community in Lithuania was small, the remnant of the Tatars who came to that country half a millenium ago. But now, as...

12.03.2024 5

Eurasia Review

Paul Goble

Moscow Patriarchate Faces Mounting Problems In All Three Countries Of South Caucasus – OpEd

The Russian Orthodox Church of the Moscow Patriarchate faces mounting problems in all three countries of the South Caucasus despite the fact that...

11.03.2024 5

Eurasia Review

Paul Goble

Russians Spent More Than $20 Billion On Fortune Tellers Last Year But Moscow Not Ready To Rein In This Business Sector – OpEd

Despite the economic squeeze between rising prices and stable or falling incomes that many Russians feel, residents of that country last year, faced...

09.03.2024 30

Eurasia Review

Paul Goble

Future Waves Of Immigration To Russia Seen Coming From Africa And India – OpEd

Some Russians may not like the influx of migrant workers from Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan because they are culturally and linguistically distinct, but...

07.03.2024 10

Eurasia Review

Paul Goble

Russia Seeks To Stop Desertions From Military – OpEd

The Russian anti-war “Go Through the Forest” project has declared February 29th the Day of the Deserter, to change the image of those who flee...

06.03.2024 20

Eurasia Review

Paul Goble

Putin’s Extensive Imperialism Leading Russia Into A Dead End – OpEd

Having no project for the future, Russia’s President Vladimir Putin has sought to find one in the past; but he has so distorted that past for his...

04.03.2024 3

Eurasia Review

Paul Goble

Azerbaijanis, Armenians Commemorate Two Horrific Tragedies Of Their War – OpEd

This week, Azerbaijanis and Armenians are commemorating the anniversaries of two of the greatest tragedies in their long-running conflict, with

03.03.2024 20

Eurasia Review

Paul Goble

Idea That Russian People Can Peacefully Overthrow Kremlin Dictatorship Is A Myth – OpEd

The idea that the Russian people can peacefully overthrow the Putin dictatorship is the product of the experience of Eastern European countries after...

01.03.2024 10

Eurasia Review

Paul Goble

After Two Years Of War, Russians May Look Same Externally But They’ve Changed Internally In Fundamental Ways – OpEd

Two years after Putin launched his expanded invasion of Ukraine, that war has been transformed from an event into “a fact of life,” Anastasiya...

29.02.2024 30

Eurasia Review

Paul Goble

Ukrainian Parliament Recognizes Right Of Ingush People To Form An Independent State – OpEd

On the 80th anniversary of Stalin’s deportation of the Chechens and Ingush, Ukraine’s Verkhovna Rada voted to recognize the right of the Ingush...

28.02.2024 3

Eurasia Review

Paul Goble

After Killing Navalny, Who Is Next? – OpEd

The murder of Aleksey Navalny, Vladimir Pastukhov says, represents the end of one act of Putin’s “’reactionary revolution,’” in which the...

25.02.2024 10

Eurasia Review

Paul Goble

Putin’s Murder Of Navalny Gives Permission To Dictators Everywhere To Do Their Worst – OpEd

The world must understand that Putin by murdering Aleksey Navalny has “opened the abyss of permissiveness” to dictators everywhere, including in...

23.02.2024 10

Eurasia Review

Paul Goble
