Nick Turse

Nick Turse


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Rising Military Suicides Bring the War on Terror Home

As with its post-9/11 wars and interventions, the U.S. military’s effort to stem suicides has come up distinctly short.

yesterday 0

Common Dreams

Nick Turse

U.S. Has Never Apologized to Somali Drone Strike Victims — Even When It Admitted to Killing Civilians

The families of civilians killed by the U.S. in Somalia share their ideas of justice in a new report. The Pentagon has no response. The post U.S. Has...

yesterday 20

The Intercept

Nick Turse

This African Country Kicked Out the U.S. Military. Did the Pentagon Lie About It?

Niger gave notice to U.S. troops in March. Reps. Matt Gaetz and Jimmy Panetta say the Pentagon lied about how it all went down. The post This African...

wednesday 4

The Intercept

Nick Turse

Cheap and Lethal: The Pentagon’s Plan for the Next Drone War

UAVs continually kill civilians, but the U.S. military wants to expand its arsenal with an army of new, mass-produced kamikaze AI drones. The post...

17.06.2024 10

The Intercept

Nick Turse

After Training African Coup Leaders, Pentagon Blames Russia for African Coups 

The U.S. has trained 15 coup leaders in recent decades — and U.S. counterterrorism policies in the region have failed. The post After Training...

06.06.2024 7

The Intercept

Nick Turse

The US Military’s Long History of Killing Innocents

31.05.2024 6

The Nation

Nick Turse

The US Military's Long History of Killing Innocents

30.05.2024 10

The Nation

Nick Turse

The Pentagon Keeps Procrastinating on Paying Reparations for the Lives It Shatters

While the U.S. military has long been killing civilians—in massacres by ground troops, air strikes and even, in August 1945, nuclear...

24.05.2024 20

Common Dreams

Nick Turse

The Pentagon Continues to Exonerate Itself of Harming Noncombatants

There are constants in this world — occurrences you can count on. Sunrises and sunsets. The tides. That, day by day, people will be born and others...

23.05.2024 7


Nick Turse

Pentagon Compensated Zero Civilian Victims in 2022 — Despite Evidence That the U.S. Killed a Mom and Child in Somalia

The 22-year-old woman and her child were civilian casualties of a U.S. drone strike, but the Pentagon won't return the family's messages. The post...

14.05.2024 40

The Intercept

Nick Turse

Biden Says He Told Nigeria to Kill Fewer Civilians — but Nigeria Keeps Killing Lots of Civilians

Nigeria has gotten billions in U.S. security assistance, even as its counterterrorism campaign has a massive civilian death toll. The post Biden Says...

29.04.2024 10

The Intercept

Nick Turse

U.S.-Trained Burkina Faso Military Executed 220 Civilians

A new report reveals details of the massacres by a longtime U.S. ally and counterterrorism partner. The post U.S.-Trained Burkina Faso Military...

25.04.2024 50

The Intercept

Nick Turse

U.S.-Trained Burkina Faso Military Executed 220 Civilians

A new report reveals details of the massacres by a longtime U.S. ally and counterterrorism partner. The post U.S.-Trained Burkina Faso Military...

24.04.2024 10

The Intercept

Nick Turse

U.S.-Trained Burkina Faso Military Executed 220 Civilians

A new report reveals details of the massacres by a longtime U.S. ally and counterterrorism partner. The post U.S.-Trained Burkina Faso Military...

24.04.2024 20

The Intercept

Nick Turse

U.S. Troops in Niger Say They’re “Stranded” and Can’t Get Mail, Medicine

U.S. military service members interviewed for a congressional inquiry said intelligence reports about how bad the situation is were being suppressed....

19.04.2024 100

The Intercept

Nick Turse

Niger Wants to Kick US Troops Out of the Country

04.04.2024 40

The Nation

Nick Turse

New Junta in Niger Tells the US to Pack Up Its War and Go Home

Dressed in green military fatigues and a blue garrison cap, Colonel Major Amadou Abdramane, a spokesperson for Niger’s ruling junta, took to local...

02.04.2024 3


Nick Turse

Niger to Biden: Pack Up Your Forever War and Go Home

Will the Biden administration reverse a course that the U.S. has been on since the early 2000s?

02.04.2024 20

Common Dreams

Nick Turse

Pentagon Ignores Law Calling for Report on How It Trained So Many African Coup Leaders

The Defense Department blew the deadline for a mandatory briefing to Congress on coups by U.S.-trained African military officers. The post Pentagon...

28.03.2024 10

The Intercept

Nick Turse

Squeezed by African Coups, Biden Cozies Up to the World’s Worst Dictator

Famous for its repression and torture, Teodoro Obiang’s Equatorial Guinea got an aid delivery from U.S. Special Operations forces. The post Squeezed...

25.03.2024 10

The Intercept

Nick Turse

U.S.-Trained Niger Junta Kicks Out U.S. Troops, Drone Base

The junta denounced the “condescending attitude” of an American delegation that tried to save a quarter-billion-dollar U.S. base in Niger. The...

19.03.2024 20

The Intercept

Nick Turse

Who Could Have Predicted the U.S. War in Somalia Would Fail? The Pentagon.

A 2007 Defense Department study found glaring problems with America’s Horn of Africa campaign plan. The U.S. military plunged ahead anyway. The post...

07.03.2024 20

The Intercept

Nick Turse

Three More Members of Congress Call on Pentagon to Make Amends to Somali Family

“We can’t take away the pain and suffering felt by this family, but the fact that we haven’t even tried is awful,” Rep. Jim McGovern told The...

05.03.2024 10

The Intercept

Nick Turse

Civilian Deaths From Terrorism in Africa Have Spiked 101,300% Since 2002

Most Americans, including members of Congress, are unaware of the extent of War on Terror operations on the continent—or how little they have done...

14.02.2024 30

Common Dreams

Nick Turse

The US Military Ignores and Neglects the Civilian Victims of Its Air Strikes

02.02.2024 5

The Nation

Nick Turse

The Forever Wars Grind on Without Apology

The U.S. has a long history of killing civilians in air strikes, failing to investigate the deaths, and ignoring pleas for apology and compensation.

31.01.2024 10

Common Dreams

Nick Turse

Ilhan Omar Demands Pentagon Compensate Somali Drone Strike Victims

Omar urged the Pentagon to make amends following an Intercept investigation into a U.S. strike that killed a woman and her 4-year-old. The post Ilhan...

30.01.2024 20

The Intercept

Nick Turse

US Military Considers Civilians Expendable Despite New Harm Mitigation Plan

In war, people die for absurd reasons or often no reason at all. They die due to accidents of birth, the misfortune of being born in the wrong place...

30.01.2024 30


Nick Turse

Drone Strikes in Burkina Faso Killed Scores of Civilians

A new Human Rights Watch report details "apparent war crimes" in attacks that killed 60 civilians in crowded marketplaces and at a funeral. The post...

25.01.2024 8

The Intercept

Nick Turse

Blinken Visits Nigeria as Questions Swirl About Civilian Deaths and U.S. Security Ties

A State Department official said a drone strike that killed 120 Nigerians was no “attack” and urged press to focus on “fun” aspects of the...

25.01.2024 10

The Intercept

Nick Turse

Blinken Visits Nigeria as Questions Swirl About Civilian Deaths and U.S. Security Ties

A State Department official said a drone strike that killed 120 Nigerians was no “attack” and urged press to focus on “fun” aspects of the...

23.01.2024 4

The Intercept

Nick Turse

Rep. Sara Jacobs Urges Pentagon to Make Amends to Family of Drone Strike Victims

Despite admitting the U.S. killed civilians in a 2018 attack in Somalia, the Pentagon has neither apologized nor offered compensation. The post Rep....

09.01.2024 20

The Intercept

Nick Turse

Advocates Demand Compensation for U.S. Drone Strike Victims in Somalia

Human rights groups called on the Pentagon to make amends after an Intercept investigation into the deaths of a woman and child. The post Advocates...

18.12.2023 9

The Intercept

Nick Turse

Rand Paul Wants to End Undeclared War in Syria

“The United States cannot fix Syria,” an Obama administration official said. “I simply fail to understand why we have U.S. troops there.” The...

06.12.2023 4

The Intercept

Nick Turse
