Lucinda Creighton

Lucinda Creighton

The Business Post

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Lucinda Creighton: Getting her old job back may have been the easy part for Ursula von der Leyen

The re-elected president of the European Commission now faces the Herculean task of keeping all her supporters happy

21.07.2024 30

The Business Post

Lucinda Creighton

Lucinda Creighton: Chambers must give priority to ‘unloved squeezed middle’ in early budget

A key feature of this plan has to be a commitment to reduce the personal taxation burden on individuals who work and gainfully contribute to the Irish...

07.07.2024 10

The Business Post

Lucinda Creighton

Lucinda Creighton: Fianna Fáil and Fine Gael startlingly marginalised in EU power plays

The decision by Fianna Fáil MEPs to publicly declare they will not vote for Ursula von der Leyen puts the party at risk of isolation

23.06.2024 10

The Business Post

Lucinda Creighton

Lucinda Creighton: Sinn Féin’s 11 per cent vote was a gut punch

Simon Harris and Fine Gael were rewarded for responding to changing public mood on migration in recent weeks

16.06.2024 30

The Business Post

Lucinda Creighton

Lucinda Creighton: Axis of upheaval of Russia, China, North Korea and Iran will not stop at Ukraine

These powers have long been bad actors, but their willingness to push the West like this has not been seen since the early 1940s

09.06.2024 10

The Business Post

Lucinda Creighton

Lucinda Creighton: EU cannot continue to lurch from crisis to crisis

The union should be setting the pace, not struggling to keep up at a time of global tensions

26.05.2024 40

The Business Post

Lucinda Creighton

Starmer must set path for closer cooperation with Europe on security, defence and the economy

Irish eyes are keenly watching how Britain’s likely next prime minister defines the UK’s relationship with Brussels on key issues

12.05.2024 20

The Business Post

Lucinda Creighton

Lucinda Creighton: Ireland ‘easy prey’ as true motives of malign foreign actors emerge across EU

The arrests in Germany of Chinese spies may seem like a slightly fantastical scene from a John le Carré spy novel, but the operations are very real

28.04.2024 40

The Business Post

Lucinda Creighton

Lucinda Creighton: Ursula Von der Leyen may find time spent wooing the left coming back to bite her

The European Commission president has built bridges during her tenure, but they will fall when the elections begin and she will be left with few...

21.04.2024 10

The Business Post

Lucinda Creighton

Lucinda Creighton: Dangerous Hate Bill will have chilling effect on free speech and should be canned

If passed, the law would have a devastating impact on social cohesion and free and open political discourse

07.04.2024 20

The Business Post

Lucinda Creighton

What Simon Harris needs to do to be a different and successful Taoiseach

The major challenges for Harris are the timing of his elevation and how can he distinguish himself from my friend Leo Varadkar

24.03.2024 10

The Business Post

Lucinda Creighton

Lucinda Creighton: Nikki Haley refused to prostrate herself at altar of Donald Trump and paid the price

However, Haley’s refusal to endorse the ex-president is certainly not the end of her political career

10.03.2024 30

The Business Post

Lucinda Creighton

Lucinda Creighton: Leo Varadkar’s drift from biggest EU political bloc is short-sighted

Having been at the heart of the EPP, under Varadkar Ireland has drifted away from the group, weakening our position

03.03.2024 30

The Business Post

Lucinda Creighton

Lucinda Creighton: Varadkar should end election chatter and commit to a full term

The constant speculation about when is best to call an election distracts from the real business of government

25.02.2024 10

The Business Post

Lucinda Creighton

Lucinda Creighton: Ireland’s farming lobby has given up the ghost when its members need it most

A wave of farm protests has swept across Europe over recent months but the once-vocal Irish farming lobby seems to have gone missing, at least for now

18.02.2024 7

The Business Post

Lucinda Creighton

Lucinda Creighton: From the jaws of victory, Sinn Féin manage to grasp defeat with United Ireland call

DUP had the best week the party has had in quite a few years while Sinn Féin, by contrast, botched the news that the Assembly would finally resume

02.02.2024 70

The Business Post

Lucinda Creighton

Ireland must heed example of the US on how not to deal with migration tensions

By refusing to have a sensible discussion about immigration policy, political leaders in Ireland are currently driving large swathes of voters into...

21.01.2024 10

The Business Post

Lucinda Creighton

Lucinda Creighton: Any misstep on economy or immigration could dent Sinn Féin’s election prospects

The opposition will face greater scrutiny as ballots approach as blip in the party’s polling gives Coalition a boost

12.01.2024 4

The Business Post

Lucinda Creighton

Lucinda Creighton: Donald Tusk looks to drag Poland out of the dark

The Poles’ decision to eject the authoritarian populist PiS party from power shows that positive politics can trump negative nationalism

17.12.2023 30

The Business Post

Lucinda Creighton

Lucinda Creighton: Ireland needs a standalone intelligence agency to tackle modern threats

By housing our domestic intelligence within An Garda Síochana, we leave the force exposed to infiltration and the interception of sensitive data

03.12.2023 30

The Business Post

Lucinda Creighton
