Leo Lewis

Leo Lewis

Financial Times

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Businesses are counting the likely cost of ‘heatflation’

Some companies will be able to afford to mitigate the effects of climate change on their workforce — others won’t

previous day 10

Financial Times

Leo Lewis

Japan’s new banknotes might have come too late

An army of vending machines is defying the drive to cashlessness but recalibrating them will be expensive

27.06.2024 10

Financial Times

Leo Lewis

AI is coming for our anger

A SoftBank project is working on technology that takes the rage out of customer phone calls

20.06.2024 10

Financial Times

Leo Lewis

Why an 89p metro ride is a recipe for ideological conflict

An IPO of the national treasure has been an ambition for a decade but risks facing a shift in shareholder priorities

13.06.2024 10

Financial Times

Leo Lewis

The robots preparing to get their hands on your lunch

Technological strides have made automata soft and sensitive enough to pack bento boxes

06.06.2024 10

Financial Times

Leo Lewis

Toyota and the Olympic dilemma

Top-tier sponsorship of the games comes with financial and reputational risks

30.05.2024 10

Financial Times

Leo Lewis

Japan’s ‘wall of money’ is too big a temptation to resist

Private equity funds see the country’s financial institutions and wealthy individuals as an untapped opportunity for capital

23.05.2024 30

Financial Times

Leo Lewis

When the customer is not always right

Demographics are squeezing Japan’s ability to deliver the same high levels of service as before

16.05.2024 50

Financial Times

Leo Lewis

Too scared to quit? An agency will do that for you

A wave of activism is coming from a quarter Japanese companies did not expect

09.05.2024 20

Financial Times

Leo Lewis

Japan is haunted by a return to emerging-economy status

The battering sustained by the yen since January is causing alarm in some quarters

02.05.2024 60

Financial Times

Leo Lewis

Who owns Japan’s hoard of corporate art?

Shareholder pressure is building on companies over disclosure of the treasures they hold

11.04.2024 30

Financial Times

Leo Lewis

Are we at peak K-pop?

The market thinks there’s a catch, but Goldman sees growth potential not far away, in Japan

04.04.2024 20

Financial Times

Leo Lewis

Why good news for Japan may be bad news for hedge funds

After three decades of corporate stagnation, there’s fresh momentum — but not everyone is pleased

28.03.2024 30

Financial Times

Leo Lewis

Oodles of noodles: how a global favourite became an economic red flag

Cheap and calorie-filled, the rapid foodstuff tells us about the state of the world

14.03.2024 10

Financial Times

Leo Lewis

Corporate Japan must quit the side hustle

Non-core businesses are no longer just a shareholder annoyance, but an active impediment to dealmaking

07.03.2024 6

Financial Times

Leo Lewis

Primacy in pickleball could push Asics over the ‘funish’ line

The Japanese shoe company’s turnaround looks destined to become a business school case study

29.02.2024 10

Financial Times

Leo Lewis

Why Japan may have outgrown ‘go for it’

The word ‘Gambatte!’ is much-loved in the country’s lexicon, but could it be about to outlive its purpose?

22.02.2024 30

Financial Times

Leo Lewis

Hong Kong’s Messi backlash says more about digital fandom than football

The meltdown was a revealing moment for the game as global entertainment — and its vulnerability to social media

08.02.2024 8

Financial Times

Leo Lewis

Pokémon with guns and the democratisation of gaming

As the use of generative AI spreads, it will be harder for the bigger studios to protect their market share

01.02.2024 90

Financial Times

Leo Lewis

How Japan is helping America’s youth leave home

The fragmented US housebuilding industry — and demographic arbitrage — tempts acquisitive Japanese companies

25.01.2024 8

Financial Times

Leo Lewis

Will China let Japan forget its 1980s bubble?

The Nikkei has been within reach of its all-time high but factors outside the country could prove critical

18.01.2024 7

Financial Times

Leo Lewis

Japan’s natural disaster preparedness has a corporate price

Companies serve as visible units of permanence in an unstable world but that can make for unwieldy strategy

04.01.2024 50

Financial Times

Leo Lewis

The US backlash against Nippon Steel is wholly misguided

American objections to a deal to buy US Steel turn on an outdated view of how close Japanese companies are to the state

21.12.2023 50

Financial Times

Leo Lewis

Shohei Ohtani, baseball’s $700mn salaryman

The Los Angeles Dodgers’ deal does not just make the athlete an economic force but shows him to be a betting man

13.12.2023 4

Financial Times

Leo Lewis

Death, the taxi and the Tokyo pigeon killer

To many, the legal pursuit of an avicidal driver will look like a sign of gross fiscal indiscipline

07.12.2023 30

Financial Times

Leo Lewis
