Kells Mcphillips

Kells Mcphillips


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What to know about 'preventative Botox'

Are the risks and costs worth it to keep crow's feet at bay? Experts weigh in.

18.06.2024 10


Kells Mcphillips

It's time to change your relationship with sugar. Here's how

“It’s hard to have a positive or neutral relationship with something that’s constantly labeled as bad or addictive."

16.05.2024 100


Kells Mcphillips

5 signs your skin is just as stressed out as you are 

Addressing your skin’s stress requires both inner work and outer work.

04.05.2024 30


Kells Mcphillips

The secret weapon for heart health and living longer could be climbing a few flights of stairs every day. Here’s how

Climbing just five flights per day could reduce your risk of cardiovascular disease by 20%, study says. 

30.04.2024 50


Kells Mcphillips

Don't brush right after you eat. Dentists say there's one thing you should do after every meal that's better for oral—and overall—health

When you swish your mouth with water after every meal, you’re offering the teeth and gums a less acidic, healthier environment.

31.03.2024 10


Kells Mcphillips

Multivitamins are the most commonly taken supplement. Here’s what they can (and can’t) do for your health

While multivitamins are multifunctional, they’re not a panacea.

30.03.2024 5


Kells Mcphillips

Do you really need individualized food advice? What experts say about the personalized nutrition trend

In the long term, following a personal nutrition plan may help with disease prevention and increase your healthspan.

25.02.2024 40


Kells Mcphillips

Do LED masks and high-frequency wands really work? Dermatologists explain which skin-care devices are worth the investment

These days, beauty lovers are swiping more on their skin than serums and lotions.

19.02.2024 10


Kells Mcphillips

The longest, happiest marriages have these 5 defining traits 

Plus, how to foster these qualities in your marriage.

03.02.2024 40


Kells Mcphillips

Can elderberry really cure your cold or flu? Experts explain the health benefits and how much to take

The research on this berry is still in its infancy.

27.01.2024 10


Kells Mcphillips

Planning out the year’s PTO in January could help ‘manage the impacts of burnout,’ says one expert. Here are the 3 types of breaks you should take

Putting rest on our calendars in small, medium, and large doses should be a nonnegotiable.

29.12.2023 10


Kells Mcphillips

Don’t wait for everything to fall apart. Preventative self-care offers an edge against workplace burnout

Maintaining consistent wellness practices has a great impact on our lives.

28.12.2023 20


Kells Mcphillips

The secret weapon against burnout could depend on finding your ‘placeholder purpose,’ resilience expert says. Here’s how

A resilience expert explains how to chart the next stage of your life.

27.12.2023 10


Kells Mcphillips

Forget about time management. ‘Energy management’ is the best way to protect yourself from burnout

When we approach tasks with plenty of time but not much energy, we may find it difficult to tackle our to-do lists. Do this instead.

27.12.2023 20


Kells Mcphillips

The 2 types of coping skills every worker needs to combat burnout in 2024

Coping mechanisms, or strategies for managing stress and other prickly emotions, help us fight burnout and regain power in our daily lives.

26.12.2023 9


Kells Mcphillips

Are electrolyte powders good for you? What nutrition experts want you to know before taking any hydration supplement

Few studies have been conducted on the effects of these electrolyte powders and other hydration supplements.

10.12.2023 20


Kells Mcphillips
