Ian Dunt

Ian Dunt


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Keir Starmer's ruthless act reveals a chink in his armour

This is the high point. Keir Starmer will never have as much power as he does now. He’ll never command this degree of authority. But despite all...

wednesday 3


Ian Dunt

This King's Speech will bury the Tories for a decade

The key thing is the speed. It’s not the money or the radicalism. It’s the speed with which Labour will make its initial round of reforms, and the...

17.07.2024 20


Ian Dunt

Kemi Badenoch would be a disastrous Tory leader. And that's why she will win

We’ve got our first indication of which way the Tory leadership race is going. Needless to say, it will be a disaster. And that disaster is likely...

10.07.2024 5


Ian Dunt

Rishi Sunak has gone from snide prefect to genuine statesman

Nothing has become Rishi Sunak like the loss of power. It’s been transformative. He’s gone from a snide, petulant, disingenuous prefect into a...

09.07.2024 8


Ian Dunt

Keir Starmer's state-educated cabinet shows why Labour will succeed

This is what it looks like. After 14 years, it’s hard to even recognise it. It seems bizarre, exotic, kind of alien. But this is how serious...

06.07.2024 10


Ian Dunt

Fourteen years of monstrous, brutal Tory leadership is finally over

There are some moments in life which you just have to take in. You have to properly open yourself up to them and experience it to the fullest. This...

05.07.2024 10


Ian Dunt

I'm pleased Boris Johnson is back - he deserves to see what he destroyed

It’s good that Boris Johnson came back at the end. He should be here to see it. He should witness with his own eyes the triumph of the man he once...

03.07.2024 5


Ian Dunt

This debate was Sunak's last shot. He fluffed it

That was Rishi Sunak’s last shot. His last roll of the dice. And he did what he always did: he allowed his cynicism to undermine his own position....

27.06.2024 30


Ian Dunt

Rishi Sunak's public humiliation is as mortifying as it is satisfying

On and on it came. Attack after attack, criticism after criticism, ridicule after ridicule. When Rishi Sunak walked into the LBC studio this morning,...

19.06.2024 10


Ian Dunt

Rishi Sunak’s Sky TV ‘hardship’ reveals one thing: snobbery

There seems to be no end to Rishi Sunak’s failures. You could sit for days trying to arrive at a comprehensive list and still find it incomplete....

12.06.2024 8


Ian Dunt

Penny Mordaunt's Thatcher cosplay act disintegrated in the election debate

There are many worse politicians than Penny Mordaunt, but there are very few with less substance. During tonight’s election debate, she threatened...

08.06.2024 30


Ian Dunt

We should call Rishi Sunak what he is: a liar

We have a whole galaxy of euphemisms for what we saw from Rishi Sunak last night. Sometimes we say that he was being “misleading”, or perhaps that...

05.06.2024 20


Ian Dunt

An election debate which subtracted from the net total of human knowledge

Well, that was an utterly vapid experience: a meaningless shouting match of total vacuity, with no discernable outcome. By the time it was over,...

05.06.2024 10


Ian Dunt

The Tories tried to take Angela Rayner out. Better luck next time

What an utter waste of time this has been. What a desperate, cynical frittering away of police resources in order to silence a political opponent....

30.05.2024 10


Ian Dunt

Rishi Sunak’s most morally reprehensible policy has been defeated

The Rwanda plan is dead. Barring some unexpected shock, it will never go ahead. No flights will ever take off. No asylum seeker will ever be sent...

23.05.2024 50


Ian Dunt

We should count our lucky stars for the Tories' total ineptitude

The Government’s best quality is its ineptitude. If it were more competent, it could do permanent damage to this country. But it isn’t competent,...

22.05.2024 10


Ian Dunt

Just when you think the Tories can get no worse, step forward Esther McVey

It’s not surprising that Esther McVey has nothing to do. She is, after all, the “minister for common sense” – a made up job with a made up...

15.05.2024 20


Ian Dunt

Rishi Sunak’s hung Parliament fantasy means one thing for the Tories: doom

It’s a pitiful sight: a prime minister reduced to arguing that he is only going to lose by a little bit, rather than a lot. But that is the message...

08.05.2024 20


Ian Dunt

This Rwanda stunt is the last pathetic gasp of a dying government

They lie as easily as they breathe. They cannot govern. They cannot even bring themselves to pretend to govern. So instead they inundate us with...

01.05.2024 20


Ian Dunt

Rishi Sunak will pay at the ballot box. Asylum seekers will pay with their lives

A seven-year-old girl and four adults died yesterday as they tried to reach Britain. It should be a moment for recognition. It should, by any right,...

24.04.2024 9


Ian Dunt

Nigel Farage is the worst of us, but he has a right to speak

There are two good rules-of-thumb when you’re defending liberal democracy against populists. The first is to stand by your principles. And the...

17.04.2024 20


Ian Dunt

Britain looks like a basket case on the global stage, a horror pit of tribal warfare

It was a small error in an otherwise excellent report, but that error mutated into a monstrous little gremlin and ate its authors alive. They put...

10.04.2024 6


Ian Dunt

In Rishi Sunak’s manic laughter, we see his political doom

It’s a hollow laugh. Each time he does it, it sounds emptier than it was before. Rishi Sunak’s snigger tells you everything you need to know about...

03.04.2024 20


Ian Dunt

Rishi Sunak's latest act of stupidity exceeds even his own high standards

He’s done it again. It’s quite spectacular – far beyond the realms of human expectation. The things that Rishi Sunak is doing are so stupid they...

27.03.2024 10


Ian Dunt

The Government's punishment for asylum seekers is financial insanity

Cruelty, followed by incompetence, culminating in disaster. That is the Home Office methodology. And the bleak undeniable reality of it was published...

20.03.2024 5


Ian Dunt

In Rishi Sunak’s worst week yet, his fecklessness is astonishing

A staggering degree of ineptitude this week, even by Rishi Sunak’s standards. He is operating with a degree of basic incompetence which we had...

13.03.2024 20


Ian Dunt

I used to love watching the Tories implode – now it's boring

Budgets are never the most exciting of parliamentary events, but today took the tedium to previously unimaginable new levels. The whole thing was...

06.03.2024 9


Ian Dunt

The disturbing reason why Tory MPs won’t use the word ‘Islamophobia’

There’s something obviously broken in the Conservative response to Lee Anderson. At first it seems almost comedic. But then, as you peel away the...

27.02.2024 20


Ian Dunt

As our infantile MPs play political games, Gaza burns

You couldn’t ask for better symbolism if you tried. Events in the Middle East are of the utmost seriousness. But in Westminster, MPs are playing an...

21.02.2024 10


Ian Dunt

Keir Starmer has made the worst mistake of his leadership so far

Grim week for the Labour Party, and a surprising one too. It’s proved vulnerable at its strongest point. Since Keir Starmer took hold of the party,...

14.02.2024 7


Ian Dunt

HS2 sits there like a crime scene - the epitome of our national decline

It’s a stump. A pointless, redundant stump, sitting between London and the Midlands. A relic of a lost era in which we still dreamed that we might...

07.02.2024 20


Ian Dunt

What Brexit sovereignty tastes like: the freedom to pay more

You have to keep on reminding yourself of the past. You have to cling to it, so you know you’re not going mad. You have to remember the lies and the...

31.01.2024 4


Ian Dunt

The Tories are now trapped between lunacy and extinction

For once in his life, Simon Clarke isn’t wrong. The former chief secretary to the Treasury published a piece in The Daily Telegraph yesterday which...

24.01.2024 40


Ian Dunt

Another bloody nose for Sunak and his doomed Rwanda bill

It was the opening skirmish in the Lords battle over the Rwanda bill. Last night, peers defeated the Government by 214 to 171 over a motion about...

23.01.2024 10


Ian Dunt

Lee Anderson succeeded precisely because of his inadequacy

And just like that, Lee Anderson was gone. Early yesterday evening, the vice-chair of the Conservative Party quit over an amendment to the Rwanda...

17.01.2024 40


Ian Dunt

Tory inadequates are suffering from Rwanda hallucinations

In they come at last. The amendments from Tory hardliners to the Rwanda bill were published on Tuesday night. They are gibberish piled upon nonsense,...

10.01.2024 6


Ian Dunt

Farage is out to eat the Tories alive – and Sunak has welcomed him to the feast

Nigel Farage is the ghost at the feast. He’s everywhere and nowhere: an absence that defines the world around it. You could feel that absence up on...

03.01.2024 10


Ian Dunt

Finally the true meaning of Brexit is revealed: an extra 68ml of wine

Today is the culmination of years of struggle. It is a moment of supreme national victory, after decades of persecution. People will finally be able...

27.12.2023 10


Ian Dunt

Finally the true meaning of Brexit is revealed: an extra 68ml of wine

Today is the culmination of years of struggle. It is a moment of supreme national victory, after decades of persecution. People will finally be able...

27.12.2023 10


Ian Dunt

Rishi Sunak’s political torture machine is just getting started

First Christmas, then pain. That’s the calendar sequence facing Rishi Sunak. He’ll get a decent little break now that parliament is in recess for...

20.12.2023 4


Ian Dunt

Rishi Sunak's chaotic rage is boiling over

Rishi Sunak keeps smiling. Every day, no matter the context, he plasters that smile on his face like a mask. Nothing can phase him. His MPs rebel, his...

13.12.2023 8


Ian Dunt

Boris Johnson is a coward hiding behind a wall of waffle

He arrived under the cloak of darkness, three hours before his testimony to the Covid inquiry. That’s obviously not a normal thing for Boris Johnson...

06.12.2023 10


Ian Dunt
