Emma StefanskyThe Daily Beast |
All six episodes of Starz and Sky Atlantic’s extremely black comedy Sweetpea begin with one chilling line of dialogue: “People I’d love to...
If all you did with your time was watch movies, you’d think that aliens were always on the brink of invading our planet, masked killers terrorized...
At a certain age, we start to wonder what it would be like to revisit our younger selves, with the foreknowledge we now have as adults: What advice...
The discourse about TV reboots has already run its course multiple times in our current era of streaming and prestige television. There are a lot of...
Since Groundhog Day reinvented the genre, time-loop movies have been a way to tell a high-stakes story in a low-stakes way (the exception being Edge...
Child Star, the new documentary about youth fame co-directed by Demi Lovato and Nicola Marsh, begins with a confession. Lovato, one of our more open...
The Transformers brand is so ubiquitous in pop culture that even if you’re not a superfan, and even if you haven’t seen any of the movies, you...
It’s a tricky thing to use the foundations of something familiar to build something unexpected. Without sounding too grand, the history of human...
The Olympics may be over, but the campy Parisian hijinks have only just begun, heralded by the arrival on Aug. 15 of Season 4 of Netflix’s...
Three seasons into HBO’s financial drama Industry , I often find myself wondering, How are any of these people still alive? The show has...
The specter of open warfare has loomed over the entirety of the second season of House of the Dragon , and while we haven’t seen full-on battles...
Watching House of the Dragon is playing a game of contradictions. You want to see cool fantasy warfare, even though you don’t want to see your...
When horror fans talk about horror movies, they always stress one thing. No matter what subgenre the film belongs to, whether it’s about hauntings,...
(Warning: Spoilers ahead for House of the Dragon .) Westeros needs dragons. With Rhaenys and Meleys gone, there’s only one big dragon left in the...
(Warning: Spoilers for Episode 5 of House of the Dragon ahead.) Things in Westeros are spinning out of control. The Greens and the Blacks have...
Like Sunset Boulevard, Fight Club, and Ratatouille, the premiere of The Bachelorette ’s 21st season begins with a traumatic flash-forward to the...
(Warning: Spoilers ahead.) Now we know why we’ve barely seen those CGI monsters for the past few episodes. In the first half of this season of ...
Movies taking place in cars are part of a subgenre of single-set filmmaking that’s tricky to find, but usually pretty good. Steven Spielberg cut his...
“We’re all born to certain roles. Our destiny is set,” a character explains in an early episode of My Lady Jane, Prime Video’s new take on an...
It makes sense for the clone show to get its own clone. Almost seven years after the conclusion of Orphan Black , the Canadian drama that launched...
Along with sexy, sweaty Regency-era romance shows and middling science-fiction movies, military and military-adjacent action movies are one of...
There are many moments in Gasoline Rainbow, the teen road trip drama directed by Bill Ross IV and Turner Ross, that defy classification into either...
Wildcat, the Ethan Hawke-directed, Maya Hawke-starring Flannery O’Connor biopic, begins with a trailer for an entirely different movie, a...
“You have to understand why you’re afraid of spiders,” director Sébastien Vaniček tells The Daily Beast’s Obsessed. “And as soon as you...
Depending on your personal interpretation, you may subscribe to the notion of ghosts as unquiet spirits, haunting the realm of the living until some...
Most of us still cringe when we hear the phrase “COVID movie,” not because it’s “too soon,” but because seemingly every angle of the...