Devi Sridhar

Devi Sridhar

The Guardian

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The Covid inquiry report makes it clear: Britain was completely and fatally unprepared

In 2002, Sars, a dangerous coronavirus, spread across the world with a fatality rate of around 10%. Although it was contained relatively quickly, east...

18.07.2024 5

The Guardian

Devi Sridhar

We now know the shocking effects of screen time on teens - but smartphone bans aren’t the answer

A few weeks ago I was scrolling through social media, and Andy Murray (I am one of his 2 million followers) posted a graphic showing the average...

04.07.2024 30

The Guardian

Devi Sridhar

Why is Britain turning into the under-40s diabetes capital of the world?

Type 2 diabetes used to be a condition linked to ageing and getting older. It’s the most common metabolic chronic condition in elderly people in the...

05.06.2024 30

The Guardian

Devi Sridhar

Why does postnatal care only last a few weeks? New data shows it should be years

Birth is usually a time of celebration, when we recognise the miracle of life as a child is brought into the world. In Britain, childbirth used to be...

24.05.2024 10

The Guardian

Devi Sridhar

US cows now have bird flu, too – but it’s time for planning, not panic

Avian flu, or H5N1, is making headlines in the United States. The past few years have seen concerning signs of it spreading across the world –...

26.04.2024 10

The Guardian

Devi Sridhar

Yet again, we in Scotland have the lowest life expectancy in western Europe. Here’s how to improve it

Every few years, headlines emerge about how Scots have the lowest life expectancy in western Europe. This was true in 2005, 2010, and most recently...

18.04.2024 10

The Guardian

Devi Sridhar

Free pets? Baby bonuses? Surely the solution to falling birthrates is clarity on immigration

For the past 75 years in global public health, one of the major priorities has been exponential population growth and Malthusian concerns that the...

02.04.2024 20

The Guardian

Devi Sridhar

I helped advise the US government on the next likely pandemic. What I learned is alarming

Four years on from the first Covid lockdown, life feels to be largely back to normal, although legacies of the pandemic remain. Collective amnesia...

25.03.2024 50

The Guardian

Devi Sridhar

I asked public health colleagues about starvation in Gaza. They say there is no precedent for what is happening

The news from Gaza feels too painful to watch. Videos of immediate violence capture TV and social-media audiences: within seconds, entire hospitals...

06.03.2024 200

The Guardian

Devi Sridhar

The manifesto Britain needs The Tories have ruined our health. This is what Labour must do to repair the damage

It’s widely accepted among independent public health experts, including the former chief medical officer Dame Sally Davies, that Britain’s health...

15.02.2024 50

The Guardian

Devi Sridhar

If you think it’s anti-vaxxers driving measles cases up in the UK, think again – and look to Scotland

The UK was once so good at dealing with measles that in 2017 and 2021 the World Health Organization declared that we had successfully attained...

24.01.2024 70

The Guardian

Devi Sridhar

Are the British and Irish really world-beating fruit and veg eaters? I doubt it

At the dawn of the new year, newspaper headlines reported that the UK and Ireland were ranked “the world’s best at eating fruit and vegetables”....

17.01.2024 10

The Guardian

Devi Sridhar

It’s not just bullets and bombs. I have never seen health organisations as worried as they are about disease in Gaza

The Israel-Gaza war has set several world records. It’s the deadliest conflict for journalists in 30 years. It has caused the largest single loss of...

29.12.2023 100

The Guardian

Devi Sridhar

Moments of hope With my nani in Chennai I was loved just for being me. Isn’t that the essence of Christmas?

“Do you speak Tamil,” they ask, and then a few seconds later, disappointed: “Why not?” Whenever I travel to Chennai, India, I always get asked...

25.12.2023 9

The Guardian

Devi Sridhar

The good news for women: a drug to limit hot flushes. The bad: who can afford it?

After decades of neglect, menopause and the impact it has on women’s life quality is becoming a major focus of pharmaceutical research. Hence the...

19.12.2023 9

The Guardian

Devi Sridhar

The political blame-game has dominated the Covid inquiry. But here’s what we really need to learn

I don’t envy Heather Hallett, the chair of the Covid-19 inquiry. Over the months, she has patiently listened to witness after witness, and reviewed...

12.12.2023 40

The Guardian

Devi Sridhar
