Daniel Murray

Daniel Murray

The Business Post

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Analysis: Ireland’s competitiveness is under threat. How can it be saved?

Three trends threaten to kill our economic competitiveness - but we can mitigate their impact

previous day 10

The Business Post

Daniel Murray

Explainer: How coalition plans €13bn budget while gaming its own spending rules

Government’s gaming of its own fiscal rule obscures just how much money it is spending, allowing it to preach prudence while spending money...

21.07.2024 10

The Business Post

Daniel Murray

Analysis: The Green wave may have receded, but the tide is not out on the party just yet

Better than expected local election result may just change the dynamic of anti-green politics from Fianna Fáil and Fine Gael, writes Daniel Murray

10.06.2024 8

The Business Post

Daniel Murray

Analysis: Where to for Mary Lou after bruising election?

Any other parliamentary party would be asking serious questions of their leader after such a disappointing election, but Sinn Féin is different

10.06.2024 40

The Business Post

Daniel Murray

Daniel Murray: Poor day out for Sinn Féin will be difficult to spin

The party had such great expectations for these elections that it may have overshot the mark and split its vote among too many candidates

09.06.2024 10

The Business Post

Daniel Murray

Independents Day: Why the popularity of non-party candidates is unique and consequential

Ireland is unique in having an enduring popularity for independents at election time, but what impact do they have?

09.06.2024 10

The Business Post

Daniel Murray

Future of Europe: Funding bigger budgets in an era of belt tightening

As part of the Business Post’s Future of Europe series, we examine proposals to increase the EU’s budget even as national budgets face...

15.05.2024 20

The Business Post

Daniel Murray

Future of Europe: The EU is at a crossroads on economy, environment, immigration and defence

The Business Post is launching a series of articles on the Future of Europe, starting this week with a focus on the future of the European economy

15.05.2024 30

The Business Post

Daniel Murray

Analysis: Why renewable electricity is Ireland’s greatest climate opportunity, and risk

15.05.2024 50

The Business Post

Daniel Murray

Daniel Murray: Dilemma over online news regulation will allow divisive tribalism to grow

Regulators are having to grapple with a blurring of the lines between politics and traditional media – but an even bigger challenge exists online

05.05.2024 30

The Business Post

Daniel Murray

Daniel Murray: Government has to put the brakes on runaway spending train

The government has consistently spent more than announced in its budgets over recent years

28.04.2024 30

The Business Post

Daniel Murray

Analysis: Calls grow to reverse 2035 ban on fossil fuel cars as EV sales stagnate

The European Court of Auditors was the latest body to raise concerns about the proposed 2035 EU ban on internal combustion engine cars

25.04.2024 30

The Business Post

Daniel Murray

Analysis: What can new taoiseach do with just one year left in office?

Simon Harris comes to the office of taoiseach filled with energy, but what can he really achieve with so little time left on the clock?

10.04.2024 40

The Business Post

Daniel Murray

Explainer: What business can expect from Taoiseach Simon Harris

The new leader of Fine Gael leader’s attitude to business policy has been forged in the future-looking department of higher education, but his first...

31.03.2024 10

The Business Post

Daniel Murray

ESG Newsletter: Inside the €1bn subsea cable plan linking Galway to Asia

The ESG newsletter at the Business Post is your source for the news that matters in environmental, social and governance, all told from an Irish...

21.03.2024 20

The Business Post

Daniel Murray

Analysis: Leo Varadkar’s resignation. Why now and what next?

The shock resignation of the Taoiseach and Fine Gael leader leaves questions about how we got here, and where the party and coalition goes next

20.03.2024 30

The Business Post

Daniel Murray

Analysis: Varadkar’s tacit support of Labour motion shows higher housing targets are coming

Both the ESRI and the Housing Commission are expected to recommend new annual housing targets in excess of 50,000

07.03.2024 10

The Business Post

Daniel Murray

Analysis: 15 years after the creation of Ireland’s ‘bad bank’, Nama begins its wind down

Realising the full extent of its projected return will require good market conditions and retaining staff on the look out for other opportunities

06.03.2024 8

The Business Post

Daniel Murray

Explainer: Have Ireland’s emissions finally peaked?

Something strange is happening with economic activity thriving while emissions fall, the Business Post has examined the main sectors to see if the...

01.03.2024 5

The Business Post

Daniel Murray

Analysis: Inside the secretive budget meetings for the National Development Plan

Ministers are keeping a disciplined silence about the ongoing negotiaions for billions in capital spending

11.02.2024 10

The Business Post

Daniel Murray

Analysis: McGrath stands accused of sideswipe at Ifac in row over chair’s pay

The squabble between government and its fiscal watchdog is against the backdrop of disagreements over Budget 2024

28.01.2024 20

The Business Post

Daniel Murray

Analysis: Public sector unions’ strike threats are first step in the pay talks dance

The choreography of the recent breakdown in negotiations is well rehearsed but unions and officials should be careful not to lose their footing

14.01.2024 10

The Business Post

Daniel Murray

Analysis: Both state and unions risk losing footing as dance of public sector pay talks trundles on

The brinkmanship that will play out over the coming days could well lead to all out strikes if both sides aren’t careful

11.01.2024 10

The Business Post

Daniel Murray

Voter reigns supreme in year which could see tectonic shift in political landscape

The next 12 months will see local and European elections, two referendums, and maybe even a new government

31.12.2023 9

The Business Post

Daniel Murray

Analysis: Cop28 negotiators debate red herrings as temperatures continue to rise

There is a disquieting sense that the dysfunctional international climate Cop process has become a giant distraction

13.12.2023 20

The Business Post

Daniel Murray

Cop28: Ireland has reason to talk up its climate ambitions on the world stage

As the two-week UN conference got underway last week, there were the usual grumblings about rhetoric not being matched by action

03.12.2023 10

The Business Post

Daniel Murray
