Anjum Ibrahim

Anjum Ibrahim

Business Recorder

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The way forward

Sale of state-owned entities (SOEs) and not resuscitating the non-operational Pakistan Steel Mills is the mantra of the recently appointed economic...

22.07.2024 50

Business Recorder

Anjum Ibrahim

Thoughts on the provincial budgets

Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KPK) budget was announced on 25 May, two and a half weeks before the federal budget was announced on 12 June, the Punjab budget...

15.07.2024 10

Business Recorder

Anjum Ibrahim

An IMF budget or not?

Several prominent federal ministers publicly stated that the taxation measures approved by parliament on 28 June were prior conditions of the...

08.07.2024 60

Business Recorder

Anjum Ibrahim

PARTLY FACETIOUS: They have no option but to be tax return filers

“So now what?” “Now they wait for the public to forget the budget.” “I don’t think that is likely – I mean higher taxes for us, higher...

06.07.2024 20

Business Recorder

Anjum Ibrahim

PARTLY FACETIOUS: ‘Spades I reckon is the order of the day…’

“How would you translate the Urdu word anari into English?” “Unskilled?” “I hope this is not a dig at our emigrants who are remitting...

05.07.2024 30

Business Recorder

Anjum Ibrahim

PARTLY FACETIOUS: ‘If the gods are on your side, then who cares about the Plebeians’

“The split within a political party…” “Is fodder for the gods.” “What, are you pagan? Gods indeed.” “That is an expression, food for...

04.07.2024 30

Business Recorder

Anjum Ibrahim

PARTLY FACETIOUS: President has immunity from paying taxes

“Immunity for the President while in office…” “Yeah, I heard the US Supreme Court ruled that President Trump cannot be prosecuted for official...

03.07.2024 10

Business Recorder

Anjum Ibrahim

PARTLY FACETIOUS: ‘The Third Candidate is in jail’

“Two options and both bad so what do you get?” “Drop the ball is the expression.” “What ball? Hockey ball, football, baseball…” “You...

02.07.2024 30

Business Recorder

Anjum Ibrahim

Provincial surplus and the federal budget

To formulate federal and provincial budgets necessitates engagement between the federal government and its federating units on two critical items:...

01.07.2024 30

Business Recorder

Anjum Ibrahim

PARTLY FACETIOUS: ‘Biden came out as an old 82 and Trump came out as a young minus three years’

“I heard the Biden team was despondent after his performance in the first presidential debate…” “Ahhhh! I suggest they do another...

29.06.2024 30

Business Recorder

Anjum Ibrahim

PARTLY FACETIOUS: ‘Lions do not hibernate’

“I take strong exception to the army…” “Hush, hush, that is not a…” “Why don’t you let me finish a sentence, for Pete’s sake? I...

28.06.2024 30

Business Recorder

Anjum Ibrahim

Partly Facetious: ‘The First Daughter syndrome’

“So who do you think? Biden versus Trump?” “Why is the US political map getting to be like Pakistan’s?” “They still have intra-party...

27.06.2024 20

Business Recorder

Anjum Ibrahim

PARTLY FACETIOUS: The difference between responses

“There is a wide gap between institutional response versus a politician’s response.” “Why did you use the singular for the two?” “What?”...

26.06.2024 30

Business Recorder

Anjum Ibrahim

PARTLY FACETIOUS: ‘Public discourse on social media is taking the lead in shaping public opinion’

“There is a difference between discourse and policy.” “Of course there is. I don’t understand why you raised this…” “In the United...

25.06.2024 30

Business Recorder

Anjum Ibrahim

The FY25 budget

“I am from the corporate world”, Muhammad Aurangzeb, Federal Finance Minister, proudly stated in a post-budget interaction on a private channel...

24.06.2024 40

Business Recorder

Anjum Ibrahim

PARTLY FACETIOUS: Bilawal’s reservations addressed?

“So all is well that ends well.” “You mean Bilawal’s reservations about the budget have been resolved.” “Pledged to be resolved not...

22.06.2024 20

Business Recorder

Anjum Ibrahim

PARTLY FACETIOUS: The ‘Brown Pope’ hasn’t quit the PCB chairmanship yet

“The Brown Pope is in action.” “Oh! I thought he had done all he could for the cricket team…” “Don’t be facetious.” “Has he...

21.06.2024 20

Business Recorder

Anjum Ibrahim

PARTLY FACETIOUS: ‘We taxpayers give residences to cabinet members and...’

“What’s with politicians!” “Mark Twain wrote, reader, suppose you were an idiot. And suppose you were a member of Congress. But I repeat...

14.06.2024 30

Business Recorder

Anjum Ibrahim

PARTLY FACETIOUS: ‘NMN is a lady and not a malefactor’

“Hunter Biden has been found guilty on three counts…” “The US has taken the lead there.” “Have you forgotten Notification Maryam Nawaz...

13.06.2024 10

Business Recorder

Anjum Ibrahim

Anatomizing budget

The budget 2024-25 exercise is akin to a five-legged kangaroo - one leg manacled by the International Monetary Fund (IMF), another by an elite...

13.06.2024 20

Business Recorder

Anjum Ibrahim

PARTLY FACETIOUS: ‘French President has forgotten how unpopular he is’

“So what do you mean by surgery?” “That’s rather a silly question. Surgery is when you have an operation and some surgeries are how can I put...

12.06.2024 20

Business Recorder

Anjum Ibrahim

Neither up-to-date nor unbiased

The Economic Survey’s relevance, limited to data analysis, is neither up to date (limited to July-March or for nine months for most indicators even...

12.06.2024 20

Business Recorder

Anjum Ibrahim

PARTLY FACETIOUS: ‘What did Naqvi have to say about the ignominious defeat to the US?’

“The Pope hath spoken.” “I wasn’t aware he has said anything lately. Oh, you mean what he said this Friday – that all this suffering, the...

11.06.2024 30

Business Recorder

Anjum Ibrahim

Budget: inflation must be top priority

Inflation is pushing an ever increasing number below the poverty line (currently estimated at 40 percent comparable to Sub-Sahara Africa) and the...

10.06.2024 50

Business Recorder

Anjum Ibrahim

PARTLY FACETIOUS: Samdhi and Sunak

“Uh Oh!” “You will have to narrow it down. There are too many uh oh situations.” “Take a guess.” “The Deputy Prime Minister being...

08.06.2024 20

Business Recorder

Anjum Ibrahim

PARTLY FACETIOUS: ‘The pigeons come home to roost’

“The opinions of the individual supreme court justices during the full court hearing appear to be split.” “But isn’t that natural?” “Yes,...

07.06.2024 20

Business Recorder

Anjum Ibrahim

PARTLY FACETIOUS: ‘Some poodles are more equal than others…’

“So, what is with the debates between Starmer and Sunak?” “Well, you can’t accuse the British of doing a poodle because the US has been...

06.06.2024 30

Business Recorder

Anjum Ibrahim

PARTLY FACETIOUS: Miftah Ismail is the new Shabbar Zaidi?

“Prime Minister and his band of merry cabinet members are off to China and I think this may be an appropriate time to share a quote from Confucius,...

05.06.2024 20

Business Recorder

Anjum Ibrahim

PARTLY FACETIOUS: ‘Prosecution’s cases are falling by the wayside’

“So the same o same o.” “Yep, but there is one major change.” “Oh, that a former president of the US has been convicted for the first time...

04.06.2024 30

Business Recorder

Anjum Ibrahim

Budget: govt between a rock and a hard place

Contrary to earlier reports that the budget for next fiscal year will be presented to parliament on the 7June it is now expected to be presented on 10...

03.06.2024 40

Business Recorder

Anjum Ibrahim

PARTLY FACETIOUS: Maneka’s claim

“I hear Greedy for Portfolios Samdhi (GPS) has his heart set on it.” “He ain’t getting the Finance Ministry even if his counterpart Samdhi...

31.05.2024 30

Business Recorder

Anjum Ibrahim

PARTLY FACETIOUS: ‘She should fire her tailor’

“So tell me why was the notification for a countrywide holiday on 28 May so late in the coming. I mean, it was well after offices closed and…”...

30.05.2024 40

Business Recorder

Anjum Ibrahim

PARTLY FACETIOUS: Countrywide tree-plantation is a must

“We are resilient.” “Indeed, with record high temperatures in the country….” “Well, it’s damned if the government does and damned if it...

29.05.2024 30

Business Recorder

Anjum Ibrahim

Budget projections for FY25

There is overwhelming evidence that approval of the budget for next fiscal year, reportedly to be presented to parliament on 7 June, will be a...

27.05.2024 50

Business Recorder

Anjum Ibrahim

PARTLY FACETIOUS: We have achieved stability?

“So a grand state owned entity (SOE) sale is on the cards.” “Indeed and this means incoming dollars, strengthening foreign exchange reserves...

25.05.2024 80

Business Recorder

Anjum Ibrahim

PARTLY FACETIOUS: ‘Raoof Hassan has done a Third Wife’

“It’s not as if I don’t have much sympathy for Raoof Hassan after his attack.” “He suffered, I wouldn’t wish it on my worst enemy, so...

24.05.2024 100

Business Recorder

Anjum Ibrahim

PARTLY FACETIOUS: What actually constitutes defamation?

“So explain the Punjab defamation bill to me.” “An aggrieved person can go to the one-man tribunal, appointed by the government, for the...

23.05.2024 100

Business Recorder

Anjum Ibrahim

PARTLY FACETIOUS: Nawaz Sharif needs companionship

“The Greedy for Portfolios Samdhi (GPS) is in Kazakhstan to attend the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation summit.” “Did he take the Prime...

22.05.2024 20

Business Recorder

Anjum Ibrahim

PARTLY FACETIOUS: ‘A non-Muslim can come up with a wise proverb’

“Gautama Buddha is credited with a wise saying, do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment.”...

21.05.2024 50

Business Recorder

Anjum Ibrahim

Flawed IMF programme design

The International Monetary Fund’s (IMF’s) analysis and prescriptions in the second and final review document under the Stand-By Arrangement (SBA)...

20.05.2024 70

Business Recorder

Anjum Ibrahim

PARTLY FACETIOUS: The King is alive and will remain alive and…

“So now what?” “Now no amendment to the constitution is possible as the court has suspended the distribution of reserved seats that the ruling...

18.05.2024 70

Business Recorder

Anjum Ibrahim


“I heard our GPS called Tom Taraba.” “Remind me who GPS is and who in the world is Tom Taraba?” “GPS is our Greedy for Portfolios Samdhi, as...

17.05.2024 20

Business Recorder

Anjum Ibrahim

PARTLY FACETIOUS: ‘It’s never what you say, but in which language you say that is important’

“So all hail to the gods of legality.” “Excuse me!” “I was referring to the recurring nightmare of the rich and wealthy…” “There may...

16.05.2024 50

Business Recorder

Anjum Ibrahim

PARTLY FACETIOUS: ‘Patience is wearing thin!’

“Indeed and I define patience as the ability to count down before losing one’s cool and the people of Azad Jammu Kashmir seriously lost their cool...

15.05.2024 80

Business Recorder

Anjum Ibrahim

PARTLY FACETIOUS: The Samdhi who is so very greedy for hats

“I am a firm believer that only one hat must ever be worn!” “Hmmm that’s a sheer waste – what about the other hats in one’s closet?” ...

14.05.2024 30

Business Recorder

Anjum Ibrahim

Growth model needs to be long term

Pakistan has never achieved impressive growth rates in its history with the highest rate (average) achieved in the 1960s of 6.8 percent (attributed to...

13.05.2024 60

Business Recorder

Anjum Ibrahim

Partly Facetious: Maryam far better than Buzdar?

“So is power talking to power?” “Will you give a break to Notification Maryam Nawaz (NMN). She is better than The Buzz in any case, isn’t...

11.05.2024 50

Business Recorder

Anjum Ibrahim

PARTLY FACETIOUS: Maryam has shown her mettle

“I haven’t seen the apple of Nawaz Sharif’s eye for quite a few days now!” “You mean Notification Maryam Nawaz (NMN)?” “Yes, hey, too...

10.05.2024 30

Business Recorder

Anjum Ibrahim

PARTLY FACETIOUS: Maryam should give motorbikes to her own daughters

“What do you think of Notification Maryam Nawaz (NMN) issuing a notification to provide free motorbikes to girls, and she has requested parents to...

09.05.2024 20

Business Recorder

Anjum Ibrahim

PARTLY FACETIOUS: Orange a colour that really doesn’t suit women in Punjab

“I can’t understand this obsession with colours.” “Well, some colours suit one skin type and doesn’t another.” “That I understand, what...

08.05.2024 30

Business Recorder

Anjum Ibrahim
