College Starts Earlier Than You Think
What kind of college is right for your teen? What’s the deal with standardized tests? How do you get the most out of a campus tour? What should the essay look like (and NOT look like)? Your teen got an admissions interview, now what?
Why these questions? U.S. News & World Report will soon release one of our most anticipated annual rankings: the Best Colleges and Universities in America.
Alumni and current students will inevitably scan the list for bragging rights. But for teens and parents about to dive in, the important thing is to understand that Best Colleges is first and foremost a tool (as most of our Bests are), not merely an outcome. It’s a guide through one of the most important decisions you (and your family) will make.
If you read Decision Points over the past few days, you probably took note of the wry advisories at the top telling you I was off moving my son to college. It was the happy culmination of an admissions journey that........
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