GOP, Stop Fearing What the Left Is Cheering.
I think it went too far.
These were the exact words President Biden spoke in an interview about the supremely wrong Roe decision that commercialized the killing of America’s Posterity. “I don’t like the Supreme Court decision on abortion,” Senator Biden explained. “I think it went too far. I don’t think that a woman has the sole right to say what should happen to her body.” That was 1974. Fast forward fifty years, and Joe Biden cannot celebrate and promote abortion enough.
He's become the abortion industry’s Cheerleader-in-Chief. And Vice President Kamala Harris is his megaphone. The State of the Union (SOTU) solidified this reality. As someone conceived in rape but adopted in love, I was there in person to hear the cheering of the killing of those of us deemed less than human. As the honored guest of the unapologetically pro-life Congressman Bob Good (R-VA), a rare statesman in a tumultuous sea of predatory politicians, I represent millions who have (and are) unjustly branded as “unwanted.” Triumph can rise from tragedy. The Democratic Party and its abortion arm – Planned Parenthood – hate my storyline. My life, and many others like me, prove their scare-no-matter-what narratives wrong.
Female Democrat lawmakers, clad in fake-feminist white, pretended they were champions for life…well, at least through IVF. Although Biden referred to it as AVF, the radically pro-abortion President called it a “miracle of life” yet doesn’t recognize natural pregnancy as the same. Even the Republican Speaker of the House applauded the President’s proclamation to........
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