The Western Elites Are Fine With Our Own People Being Abused
Here’s a hard and ugly truth that many people don’t want to admit because they don’t want to face the inevitable consequences or take the necessary actions in response to it. There’s a huge part of the Western elite that hates its own people so much that it will happily subject them to sexual slavery by the semi-human Third World monsters it imports as part of a process of replacing its own citizens. What is it with the delight that our alleged betters take in the torture of their own? This is a problem across Western civilization, or what was Western civilization back when Western civilization was actually a civilization and not a giant racket dedicated to keeping our garbage elite in power. And it is unsustainable. There will be a backlash, and the backlash will be brutal – as it should be.
It can’t come soon enough.
Let’s take some recent examples of how our elite supports atrocities. Let’s start in America. Not long ago, most Democrats in the House voted against a bill to expel illegal alien sex predators. Roll that around in your head for a moment. It’s not just that they wouldn’t vote to expel illegal aliens. They want illegal aliens because they think these imported peasants will become a submissive sub-class of serfs who will do the elite’s will, thereby replacing us normal Americans who dare to demand a role in our own governance and respect for our God-given rights. No, they won’t even kick illegal aliens out if they’re raping and molesting our women. Understand what that means. This sexual terrorism is OK with the Democrat Party.
And the Democrat Party is not just willing to tolerate it. The Democrat Party is actively in favor of it. In places like California, they pass laws designed to make it easier to molest children. You think that sounds insane, and that’s one of the advantages these monsters have. They’re so cartoonishly villainous that normal, unbased Americans hear what’s happening and don’t believe it. They don’t want to believe it. They can’t believe it, but........
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