Equality in Pakistan: An Impracticable Myth
In Big Capital in an Unequal World: The Micropolitics of Wealth in Pakistan, Rosita Armytage mentions that Pakistan is dominated by one percent of the population. Pakistan has often been considered a land of the bourgeoisie with citizens at home insisting that the elite have caught everything. This pattern has continued from the past to the present; even if democratically elected politicians are steering the ship or that of military dictatorships. Every state institution and its policies exhibit the chasm created between the two classes.
For example, Pakistan asked for the $7 billion Programme from the IMF for adjustment, and the Sindh government recently announced Rs138 million in expenditures on luxury vehicles for bureaucracy. This intensity underscores the schism between where the government is pouring its money and what this country requires financially.
But Kaiser Bengali, an imminent economist, stayed on to advise policy for three committees from which he finally stepped down on September 1. He told the government it had many excess posts across 17 divisions and 50 departments. He also recommended the........
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