RITTNER: Things invented in Troy
Thousands of inventions were patented from many a Trojan over the last two hundred years. Periodically I will give a sample of some of those inventions and “firsts” that I think are interesting.
In 1835, Independence Starks entered the collar-making business and also created the first collar laundry, the Troy Laundry, at 66 North Second Street (Fifth Avenue today). He washed not only his own collars but those of competitors as well. Many years later, the collar industry would spark the creation of the first female union in the country.
In 1869, Trojan Cornelius Swartout patented the first stovetop waffle iron. His patent #94,043 was issued on August 24, 1869. He lived at 484 Eighth Street.
Paper for printing made from rags and wood-pulp fiber was manufactured by William Orr at his paper mill along the hydraulic canal near River and Middleburgh Streets in 1854. The composition of the paper was three-fourths rag and one-fourth wood fiber. Orr also patented a System for utilizing waterpower for the hydraulic canal.
The first Professional fraternity at a college was Theta Xi, founded on April 29, 1864, at the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY. Membership was........
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