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McCaul moves to hold Blinken in contempt

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McCaul moves to hold Blinken in contempt over Afghanistan subpoena

The House GOP chairman says the Biden administration official has failed to respond to a subpoena for his testimony about the U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan.

© AP Photo/Jacquelyn Martin/Ahmed Yosri/Pool

House Foreign Affairs Committee Chair Michael McCaul (R-Texas) has scheduled a markup on Sept. 19 to hold Secretary of State Antony Blinken in contempt of Congress, saying he failed to respond to a subpoena issued last week for his testimony on the Afghanistan exit.

Following a committee markup, the full House would need to vote on the measure to refer it to the Department of Justice for prosecution — a move unlikely to be carried out under the Biden administration, but that could be treated differently in a potential second Trump term.

Blinken has previously testified about the Afghanistan withdrawal, appearing before the committee in September 2021, one month after the withdrawal, for more than five hours. He has also appeared before the committee to testify on President Biden’s budget requests for the State Department, where he answered questions on Afghanistan.


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