12:30 Report — Trump sues over infamous Iowa poll; lawmakers race to funding deadline
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@media (prefers-color-scheme: dark) { #thehillheader { background-color: #2a53c1 !important; color: white !important; } }12:30 REPORT
It’s Tuesday. When most people think about the holidays, they think of cookies, brightly lit trees, snow and festivities. When D.C. folks think of the holidays, they think of an annual buzzer beater race to avoid a government shutdown. How festive!! Here’s the latest:
- Trump sued the Des Moines Register and pollster J. Ann Selzer.
- There’s still no CR text.
- ABC’s settlement with Trump is a huge blow to the media.
I’m Cate Martel with a quick recap of the morning and what’s coming up. Send tips, commentary, feedback and cookie recipes to cmartel@thehill.com. Did someone forward this newsletter to you? Sign up here.
⏱️ Shutdown Clock
*Cue the 'Jeopardy!' theme song*:
Government funding expires in *checks calendar* three days and there is still no public text of the bill.
First, the text of the continuing resolution (CR) was promised Sunday. ❌
Then, it was expected it to come Monday. Everyone refreshed their X feeds for news of the CR. At one point Monday afternoon, it was expected “within an hour.” ❌
Monday night, Speaker Mike Johnson (R-La.) said he expected text that evening. Nope. ❌
Now, we’re three days away from a government shutdown … and there’s *still* no CR text.
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