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Menopausal women are left behind

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I just returned to Islamabad from the second global dialogue commemorating the 30th anniversary of the International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD30). This global dialogue, held in Bangladesh and co-sponsored by Japan and Bulgaria, focused on demographic diversity and sustainable development. This was the second of a series of three landmark events — the first was ICPD30 global youth dialogue held in Benin and the third will be held in New York to discuss technology and the population issue.

The debate in Bangladesh brought to light a wide array of critical issues including demographic polarisation, climate change, and rapid technological advancements in data generated by AI and machine learning. The participants also discussed population decline, migration, aging, youth, sexual and reproductive health, reproductive rights, and the principle of leaving no one behind. However, amidst these discussions by delegates and experts from 48 countries, I felt a pang of guilt recognising that the vulnerabilities of women in post-reproductive age, who suffer silently and invisibly, were largely absent from the conversation.

Menopause is a significant reproductive health concern for women. The global population of menopausal women is expected to include 1.2 billion by 2030 due to increased life expectancy. Throughout my service at the UN, I rarely witnessed an active discussion on women in post-reproductive age. This neglect is a disservice to women whose concerns regarding their bodily experiences, desires, and needs during this transformative phase deserve to be discussed and understood. As an experienced gynecologist shared with me that many women report that menopausal symptoms significantly interfere with their daily lives.........

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