Remembering My Love For Linda Reynolds...
Linda Reynold’s mother testified that it was very hard for her daughter going from “being universally loved and respected to becoming a pariah.”
Undoubtedly it would be a very hard thing when this happens to a person. Although, in the interests of clarity, I must say that I’m having trouble remembering my respect and love for the woman. I guess that must just be one of those things that happen with age when you forget someone who meant so much to you and it’s very, very distressing for them… not so much for you, because you can’t remember them and you don’t understand why they’re having heart palpitations and all those people who still remember how much they love them are worried that they may not last the night… which would be terrible because they have a speech the next day!
Anyway, notwithstanding my inability to remember the Linda Reynolds that I loved universally, I must say that I’m a little confused by much of the testimony at the trial. Perhaps wiser legal heads than mine can explain why Senator Reynolds health is of so much importance in this trial…
I should add that I seem to remember when the beloved senator failed to........
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