For heaven’s sake, Joe, let it go
Everyone wants Joe Biden gone. Even the people who don’t want him gone really want him gone.
“Everyone’s waiting for Joe,” said a top Democrat. “And he’s sitting at home, stewing and saying, ‘What if? What if? What if?’ We’re doing things the Democratic way. We’re botching it.”
I have many happy memories of Rehoboth Beach, Delaware. I went there growing up and have Proustian recollections of crispy french fries with vinegar sold on the boardwalk. But now my gladdening images have been replaced by a maddening one: the president hunkered down in his house there, recovering from COVID-19, resisting talking to anyone who will tell him the truth, hoarsely yelling, “Get off my beach!” at the growing list of Democratic lawmakers and donors trying to warn him that he is pulling down his party and the country.
Joe Biden is under intense pressure to withdraw from the presidential race.Credit: NYT
It makes me sad that Biden doesn’t see what’s inescapable: If he doesn’t walk away gracefully right now, he will probably go down as a pariah and ruin his legacy.
The race for the Oval Office is between two delusional, selfish, stubborn old guys, and that’s a depressing state of affairs.
As for those Washington, D.C. careerists surrounding Biden who a) hid his true condition; b) gaslighted the press for focusing on what they called a nonexistent age issue; c) shielded the president from the truth about his cratering chances of........
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