It’s time to prepare for the Trump sequel
I hate sequels.
Godfather II was OK, but most other sequels suck. I guarantee you the Trump sequel won’t be anywhere near as entertaining as Godfather II, though the body count promises to be much higher.
But don’t count me among the teary-eyed hand-wringers who wonder how the country I love so much has been flushed down the toilet. We got flushed when the Supreme Court gave presidents full immunity for “official” actions only the justices on the court can sanction. Pro tip: Don’t expect Joe Biden to take advantage of this too,l which may be the ultimate power in the U.S. political universe. The Star Chamber of the Supreme Court won’t side with him in any case. Darth Vader Trump, on the other hand, will get a free pass.
Trump, who now effectively owns the Senate, will get every criminal he wants approved and appointed to important posts in the government.
So, we are left facing another round of Trump insanity at the White House, brought to us by the same people who voted him in the first time but failed to get him elected in 2020. Three is either a charm or a curse – depending on your point of view – and there are plenty of people gloating or kvetching today.
The finger-pointing has begun. Screams of voter suppression and rigging the election are co-mingling with accusations that Attorney General Merrick Garland slow-walked the federal prosecutions against Trump and condemnation of Senator Mitch McConnell for failing to vote for a conviction during Trump’s second impeachment.
Some say Vice President Harris spent too much time singing “Happy. Happy. Joy. Joy” while ignoring serious populist issues. Some say the elitism of the Democrats is equally obvious; they won’t accept the fact that most Americans won’t accept a woman – and especially a woman of color as president. All of that may be true.
The only concrete accusation so far is against Russian actors for calling in fake bomb scares to five Georgia precincts. That is a blatant act of war, but no one today is worried about that.
They are worried — or joyful — about Trump and his sequel.
I’m reminded of a line in the film “Con Air” that aptly describes him. “He's a font of misplaced rage. Name your cliché; mother held him too much or not enough, last picked at kickball, late night sneaky uncle, whatever. Now he's so angry moments of levity actually cause him pain; gives him headaches. Happiness, for that gentleman,........
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