Manage Holiday Stress or Blues With the Gift of Self-Care
The holidays are upon us, and bloggers and helping professionals are starting to trot out their strained and mixed metaphors to describe the stresses many are experiencing (American Psychiatric Association, 2022). Here’s my contribution: Traditions, expectations, pressures, and the commemoration of those no longer physically present can mix in an emotional blender, producing a holiday brew from which many of us drink deeply on an annual basis. Try these four strategies to reduce the stresses associated with the season.
1) Check in with trusted friends and family. Improving our social connections is so important that it has become a public health priority (American Psychological Association, 2023). Express your feelings with folks who implicitly and explicitly “get” you. Choose well, avoid gossip, and do not engage in hurtful conversations. Instead, approach each dialogue with gratitude and appreciation.
2) Check in with yourself. It’s also good to have time to........
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