Our Misguided Image of Masculinity Still Prevails
Many of us like to think of ourselves as enlightened when it comes to gender relations. Let’s consider just how enlightened we are with respect to two controversial and critical dimensions of how men and women interact: cooperation and aggression.
First, let’s take a look at (one measure of) cooperation. Despite the fact that women have made striking strides toward gender equality—more women than men currently earn college degrees, for instance—and fathers are doing more housework and helping more with child care than they were back in the 1960s, U.S. mothers are actually spending more time on child care than they were over four decades ago.
According to Pew Research Center US-based time use data, when Mom is working and Dad isn’t, Dad spends, on average, about six hours more per week than Mom on child care and housework. When the tables are turned, on the other hand, and Dad is working while Mom stays at home, she spends over 750 percent more time than stay-at-home Pops—over 46 more hours every week—on these activities.
Now, let’s consider aggression. Mass shootings in which four or more people are murdered have been documented by independent research from the Harvard School of Public Health and Northeastern University and further........
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