The alpha and omega of tyranny
The U.S. and Israel are the alpha and omega of tyranny and destabilisation throughout much of the Middle East – arguably, the world. Who will stop them?
We’ve all been hoodwinked. We thought the U.S. government stood for democracy, international human rights and justice. We thought they were the good guys as they held themselves aloft to be “exceptional and God fearing”. But we’ve been fooled all along. They don’t stand for anything even remotely like such descriptions. They are pernicious and dangerous as they watch people who are of no concern to them in Gaza, die in their thousands without lifting a finger to stop the carnage. In fact, they are funding the ethnic cleansing. How wicked is that. And now they have turned their megalomaniacal hegemonic eye on Lebanon as they aid and abet their murderous war buddy, Israel, to take out what is left of a country that was already crippled with economic woes.
It was reported that Hezbollah agreed to a ceasefire agreement prior to Netanyahu giving the go ahead to the onslaught of yet more innocent civilians as Israel invaded Lebanon. Israel killed hundreds in order to get one man – Nasrallah. It’s curious they couldn’t seem to find the live hostages in Gaza even though the IDF troupes had scoured every corner, decimated every inch, ferreted through tunnels and trudged around ghostly figures of Palestinians searching for food and water. No hostages to be found, apparently. Yet when they want to find one man in Lebanon, they find him lickety-split.........
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