Sullivan in Beijing: The US Pulling A tired Trick From 1956 Suez Crises
History is full of Anglo-Saxons arranging wars for their interests, and shifting unprofitable ones over to the world, for instance in the Suez Crisis of 1956.
The ongoing Russia-Ukraine conflict is of US and UK’s making as both turned Ukraine into a security threat to Russian-speaking Ukrainians, and Russia, through public meddling by Victoria Nuland, John McCain, and Joe Biden’s family. While Washington and London have benefited from this conflict, including through Biden’s robbing of Ukraine, and sales of weapon and overpriced gas to Europe, its profitability is waning, prompting efforts to turn it over to China as Jake Sullivan’s statement in Beijing shows.
Hiding the US Interest behind the World’s
The US National Security Advisor, Jake Sullivan’s statement in Beijing on Aug 29, 2024 shows Washington trying to hide its insular interest behind the world’s. It depicts the Biden administration’s pressuring China to adopt Washington’s interest vis-à-vis challenges in Ukraine, Gaza, and South China Sea. Sullivan delivered the speech after a series of meetings with Chinese officials including President Xi Jinping, and revealed Washington’s ruling class now blaming China for Russia-Ukraine conflict, in stark contrast to 2004, 2014, 2017 and 2019 when it was boasting of supporting Ukraine’s war to among other things overextend and unbalance Russia. Things must have changed to make the west’s ruling elites to shift from creating a conflict in the past to seeking to pass the same to China and the world now. This article evaluates how the American position, as stated during Sullivan’s visit to China, shows established Anglo-Saxons’ tradition of starting wars for profit, and shifting them to the world when such are no longer profitable.
Jake Sullivan’s while in Beijing would read, “We remain deeply concerned about China’s support for Russia’s defense industrial........© New Eastern Outlook
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