Vote for Social Worker Inés Heider!
Inés Heider is running for federal elections – for a world without borders, war and exploitation! Find out more about our socialist and anti-capitalist program and get involved.
Inés Heider (30) is a social worker and teacher at a Berlin high school. As a socialist, she actively fights against racism, queerphobia, and sexism — challenges she has faced herself. She is a member of the teachers’ union GEW, and has served as the spokesperson for the Young GEW Berlin. Inés was an organizer in the fight for smaller class sizes.
As a member of the Revolutionary Internationalist Organization (RIO), Inés contributes to the online newspaper Klasse Gegen Klasse. As an internationalist, she organizes union solidarity with the Palestinian people against genocide. She also supports pro-Palestinian protests at the Free University Berlin, where she studies Latin American Studies.
In summer of 2023, she was fired from her job for informing her colleagues about protests against social cuts. A solidarity campaign helped her........
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