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Who's going to save America's soul?

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Lent is over – and I'm kind of sorry.

As a practicing Roman Catholic, I observe Lent every year.

The Britannica defines Lent as a solemn period of penitential preparation in Christian churches before Easter that provides 40 days for fasting and abstinence in imitation of Christ's fasting in the wilderness before he began his public ministry.

"Giving up" something that you enjoy in your daily life is a widely known part of observing Lent. Usually, adults give up something like wine or red meat or golf.

But this year, I swore off social media.

For 40 days and nights, I stayed away from X, Facebook and the thousands of other digital temptations that make social media so addictive, aggravating and dangerous to our country's mental and political health.

Some people say that swearing off social media was a brave thing to do -- a real sacrifice. But it really wasn't.

It was such a nice vacation from the........

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