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Kamala Harris—Problems and Possibilities

12 1

By F. Andrew Wolf, Jr. ——Bio and Archives--July 27, 2024

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The Democratic party rose last Monday morning to a somewhat bipolar sense of relief and “now what do we do?” After spending years (either in denial or just plain denying) Joe Biden’s cognitive decline, the latter's decision to withdraw saved them from the further burden of denying the obvious about their man in the White House. Moreover, their brief “uncivil” war regarding Biden’s prospects against Trump has ended in a truce--they have so far at least lowered their defenses and rallied around our incumbent VP Kamala Harris.

Now there is a new controversy for the Democrats to contend over--who will get the nod as the party's vice-presidential candidate.

One thing is certain, Ms. Harris’s connections and affinity for the more radical left-wing of her party will likely generate new concerns to argue about. This will only add to already existing issues for a budding campaign which as of this writing continues to lag its opposition even sans the drag of Joe Biden as the nominee.

At this early stage of the nomination process evidence is already emerging of a less than democratic approach being adhered to--Kamala Harris appears to be garnering momentum as the likely choice. Yet, the vice president’s nomination poses some rather inconvenient questions about the Democrat Party--who are they today--and who will they be tomorrow?

They will lean left--but how far?

When reality finally dawned on the Democratic Party and they realized the need for........

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