Our part-time staff are paid more than full-timers. Is this unfair?
Under our EBA, the part-time staff in our department are being paid a significantly higher hourly rate than full-time staff for doing the same work. The full-time staff are predominantly males, whilst females are much more likely to choose to work part-time.
This unequal treatment is unfair and feels like discrimination. Under the fair work act there is meant to be “equal remuneration for work of equal or comparable value”. That is not happening in our department. Is there anything that can be done so that full-time and part-time staff are paid equally for the same work?
Gemma Lloyd, co-founder and CEO of WORK180, says workplaces need to do better when it comes to explaining EBAs.Credit: Eamon Gallagher
I asked Gemma Lloyd about your question. She’s the co-founder and CEO of WORK180, an organisation that promotes and advocates for gender equity in the workplace. Gemma has extensive experience working with organisations on policies relating to remuneration, and one of her many areas of expertise is pay........
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