Muhammad Azfar Ahsan

Muhammad Azfar Ahsan

Business Recorder

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The FDI mantra & existing investors

Net FDI (foreign direct investment) inflow numbers are clear indicators of a stable environment for investors. High FDI inflows suggest that existing...

03.07.2024 20

Business Recorder

Muhammad Azfar Ahsan

The way forward for Pakistan

“Rather than going cap-in-hand asking for new finance, the new government and its backers in the establishment and business would need to design...

17.04.2024 100

Business Recorder

Muhammad Azfar Ahsan

Polarization and threat to society

Long hauls often necessitate one to walk around inside the aircraft. I often stand peering through the tiny window on the emergency door, looking down...

31.03.2024 100

Business Recorder

Muhammad Azfar Ahsan

FDI: challenges and the way forward

An essential component of a robust and open economic system, Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) serves as a crucial driver for development. In the case...

26.02.2024 70

Business Recorder

Muhammad Azfar Ahsan

Going Islamic beyond banking

In just one year, poverty in Pakistan surged from 34.2% to 39.4%, with 12.5 million more people slipping below the USD 3.65 per day income threshold. ...

09.01.2024 60

Business Recorder

Muhammad Azfar Ahsan

Saudi Arabia’s development ambitions present huge opportunities for Pakistan When speaking of developmental change in Saudi Arabia, a narrative unfolds that holds space for proactive endeavors...

23.12.2023 10

Arab News Pakistan

Muhammad Azfar Ahsan
