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Chile: empresarios lanzan iniciativa para impulsar "con urgencia" el crecimiento del país


América Economía

América Economía

México triplica demanda de expertos en IA en Latinoamérica


América Economía

América Economía

Colombia: Ecopetrol suscribe primer contrato de regasificación en el Pacífico


América Economía

América Economía

Funcionarios públicos de Argentina protestarán este miércoles contra los despidos de Milei


América Economía

América Economía

Stoicism's Digital Renaissance


Psychology Today

Nafees Alam Ph.d

You Are Not a Brain in a Vat


Psychology Today

Michael L. Anderson Ph.d

The Good News About Overdose Deaths in the U.S.


Psychology Today

Mark S. Gold M.d

The Anxiety of School Avoidance


Psychology Today

Sheilah M. Gauch

A Neglected Aspect of Recovery From Problematic Sexual Behavior


Psychology Today

Sam Louie Ma

The Key Role of Temperature in Sleep Quality


Psychology Today

Austin Perlmutter M.d

Help Your Child Channel Their Anxiety Into Peak Performance


Psychology Today

Alex Auerbach Ph.d

College Students, Dating Choices, and Parental Perceptions


Psychology Today

Deborah J. Cohan Ph.d

Why Innovation Needs Inclusion


Psychology Today

Ed Thompson

Is the “Social Cure” a Cultural Universal?


Psychology Today

Lusine Grigoryan

The Problem With Winning


Psychology Today

Tara Ceranic Salinas

Kissing Cousins of the Childless and Childfree


Psychology Today

Kate Kaufmann

Faith, Guilt, Morality, and Pregnancy Termination


Psychology Today

S. Fenella Das Gupta Ph.d

Women's Leadership and the Future of Power


Psychology Today

Priya Nalkur Ed.d

Understanding Trauma and Its Impact on Happiness


Psychology Today

Jordan Grumet M.d

5 Common Boundary-Setting Mistakes and How to Fix Them


Psychology Today

Sharon Martin

The high-end market will soon be Chinese too


Nikkei Asian Review

Chris Pereira

Family of hostage soldier Matan Angrest publishes first photo of him from captivity

Angrest’s mother demands return of all captives ‘before we deploy more soldiers who won’t return’, laments he wasn’t freed as a ‘humanitarian case’...


The Times of Israel

Toi Staff

Mother of soldier Nachshon Wachsman dies, 30 years after his kidnapping and murder

Mother of soldier Nachshon Wachsman dies, 30 years after his kidnapping and murder

The mother of an IDF soldier and dual Israeli American citizen kidnapped and murdered by Hamas in the West Bank died Monday, 30 years after the...


The Times of Israel

Toi Staff

Arab leaders set to huddle in Cairo over alternative to Trump’s Gaza plan

Proposal would see interim international rule of Strip in place of Hamas and PA, wouldn’t require displacement of Palestinians


The Times of Israel


Hostage father says he’ll publish more images of son’s captivity to push for release

Hagai Angrest, father of Matan, blames Netanyahu for not allowing Oct. 7 relatives into Knesset visitors’ gallery, blasts ‘unfit’ security for...


The Times of Israel

Toi Staff

Trabajadores de Petroecuador ingresarán a la nueva contratista de Sacha tras recibir indemnizaciones

Uno de los beneficios que el Ministerio de Energía y Minas de Ecuador detalla que se tendrán al delegar la operación del campo petrolero Sacha es...


América Economía

América Economía

AI's Empathy Apocalypse

AI's Empathy Apocalypse

Empathy is a vital thread, not a viral mandate.


Psychology Today

John Nosta

When One Grown Child Struggles, Their Siblings Often Suffer Too

When One Grown Child Struggles, Their Siblings Often Suffer Too

Psychology Today

Jeffrey Bernstein Ph.d

Dating When You’ve Done the Inner Work

Dating When You’ve Done the Inner Work

Why having emotional intelligence is both easier and harder.


Psychology Today

Michelle P. Maidenberg Ph.d

Women’s Leadership: Where Are We?

Women’s Leadership: Where Are We?

What can women, managers and organizations do to move the needle.


Psychology Today

Palena R. Neale Ph.d

How to Think Smarter, Not Harder, Using Your Unfocused Mind

How to Think Smarter, Not Harder, Using Your Unfocused Mind

Unblock yourself, improve decisions, and learn deeply with these 10 strategies.


Psychology Today

Alice Boyes Ph.d

Did Abraham Lincoln Have a “Schizoid Manic Personality”?


Psychology Today

Lawrence R. Samuel Ph.d

Don't Take It Personally: How to Overcome Rejection Sensitivity


Psychology Today

Leslie Becker-Phelps Ph.d

The Gut-Brain-Spine Connection

The Gut-Brain-Spine Connection

How chiropractic care may improve mental health.


Psychology Today

Mitchell B. Liester M.d

Is Your Therapist Giving You Bad Sex Advice?


Psychology Today

Marty Klein Ph.d

On Food and Mental Health: A Strange History

On Food and Mental Health: A Strange History

Our long, interesting history of connecting diet and mental wellness.


Psychology Today

Troy Rondinone Ph.d

The Hidden Rules That Control Your Family—and How to Change Them

The Hidden Rules That Control Your Family—and How to Change Them

"The problem isn’t the problem. Your response to the problem is the problem."


Psychology Today

Sarah Epstein Lmft

The Benefits of Breaking Up

The Benefits of Breaking Up

Psychology Today

Silva Neves

How to Know If You’re in Love

How to Know If You’re in Love

The slow burn that lasts.


Psychology Today

April Eldemire Lmft

How to Cultivate Active, Sustainable Hope


Psychology Today

Jaimie L Lusk Psy.d

Top 5 Myths About Weight and Health

Top 5 Myths About Weight and Health

Psychology Today

Sophie S. Whynacht Ph.d

I Want It Now! The Psychology of Instant Gratification

I Want It Now! The Psychology of Instant Gratification

Have we evolved to be smartphone-dependent?


Psychology Today

Gary Goldfield Ph.d

Why ADHD Teens Struggle With Discipline—and What Works

Why ADHD Teens Struggle With Discipline—and What Works

Rethinking punishment to help ADHD teens build self-control and responsibility.


Psychology Today

Ugochukwu Uche Ms

The 7 Key Ways a Child’s Mind Works

The 7 Key Ways a Child’s Mind Works

What fundamentally goes on in young minds and why kids act the way they do.


Psychology Today

Evan Shopper

Russia’s Resurgence and the Evolving US-Russia Relations

Russia’s Resurgence and the Evolving US-Russia Relations

Since World War II, Russia and the US have been fierce rivals, but with Donald Trump’s re-election and Russia’s rise as a superpower, the US is now...


New Eastern Outlook

Abbas Hashemite

Aranceles de EE.UU. a México y Canadá le costarían hasta US$ 6.200 millones a Stellantis y Volkswagen

Los nuevos aranceles que ha anunciado el presidente estadounidense, Donald Trump, sobre los vehículos importados de México y Canadá podrían...


América Economía

América Economía

Sheinbaum rechaza aranceles de Trump y anunciará la respuesta de México este domingo

La presidenta de México, Claudia Sheinbaum, dijo la mañana de este martes que México alista medidas arancelarias y no arancelarias en represalia a...


América Economía

América Economía

Perú: SBS publica proyecto sobre participación de cajas municipales en inversión estatal

La Superintendencia de Banca, Seguros y AFP de Perú (SBS) autorizó la difusión en consulta pública del proyecto normativo que modifica el...


América Economía

América Economía

Anu Museum introduces pilot program for veteran immigrants

Institution to host discussion circles in English, Russian, French and Spanish about the ongoing challenges of immigration


The Times of Israel

Jessica Steinberg