Kashif Mateen Ansari

Kashif Mateen Ansari

Business Recorder

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Looking for hope!

Pakistan has faced challenges of epic proportions since its inception, yet as a nation, we are endowed with a rich culture and history. Our crises...

24.07.2024 50

Business Recorder

Kashif Mateen Ansari

Pakistan’s elite and the art of deception

“The ends justify the means,” Machiavelli’s famous adage, permitting rulers to forsake moral high grounds in favour of maintaining power and...

02.05.2024 70

Business Recorder

Kashif Mateen Ansari

The grid and energy sustainability

In the ambitious quest for a sustainable future, the conversation about energy often revolves around the creation of energy utilizing various fuels,...

05.04.2024 40

Business Recorder

Kashif Mateen Ansari

It’s turtles all the way down

There is an anecdote oft repeated in university environments and I am copying it from Neuroscientist Robert Sapolsky’s book “Determined.” It...

24.02.2024 9

Business Recorder

Kashif Mateen Ansari

In search of reasonable thinking

Benjamin Franklin said, “Common sense is something that everyone needs, few have, and none think they lack.” This is a great quotation that sums...

06.02.2024 40

Business Recorder

Kashif Mateen Ansari
