Fintan O&x27Toole

Fintan O&x27Toole

The Irish Times

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Government has a windfall of cash but no coherent sense of how to spend it

With Budget 2025 upon us, an old phrase comes to mind: more money than sense. The State has an almost surreal surplus of €25 billion. But it has no...

30.09.2024 10

The Irish Times

Fintan O&x27Toole

Any ‘ideological clash’ of Fianna Fáil and Fine Gael is two bald men fighting over a comb

With Budget 2025 upon us, an old phrase comes to mind: more money than sense. The State has an almost surreal surplus of €25 billion. But it has no...

30.09.2024 10

The Irish Times

Fintan O&x27Toole

It’s all eyes on the election now and children don’t have a vote

Word of the week: pusillanimous. Meaning, literally, small-minded and, by extension, cowardly, timid, faint-hearted. It seems to have dropped out of...

24.09.2024 10

The Irish Times

Fintan O&x27Toole

Ireland fixates on the ghosts of the past, and is blind to the abuses still happening

A strange, haunting, ever-returning image of Ireland is exhumation. The title of Hilary Mantel’s novel Bring Up The Bodies is surely one that ought...

17.09.2024 30

The Irish Times

Fintan O&x27Toole

Schools sexual abuse inquiry: It was open season on children’s bodies. These men did what they liked

I’ve never figured out why we named our familiar paedophile after a comic caricature of a Native American. In 1971, when I entered Coláiste...

10.09.2024 20

The Irish Times

Fintan O&x27Toole

The cataract bus is, like all great Irish inventions, the fruit of carelessness and clientelism

To the cream cracker, the rasher and the cheese-and-onion crisp, we should add another great Irish invention: the cataract bus. For if you want to get...

03.09.2024 20

The Irish Times

Fintan O&x27Toole

Behind Kamala Harris’s megawatt smile at the convention, I saw a ruthless machine at work

The thin blue line suddenly got a lot thicker. The Democratic Party is all that stands between the world and the triumph of autocracy in the United...

27.08.2024 20

The Irish Times

Fintan O&x27Toole

How apt that Democratic convention marks the passing of the last old-style Irish Catholic politician

For the Democratic Party, going back to Chicago for its convention is rather like the Rolling Stones deciding to return to Altamont and stage a free...

20.08.2024 10

The Irish Times

Fintan O&x27Toole

Elon Musk, the Pablo Escobar of disinformation, basks in his own impunity

One law for the megarich provocateur, another for the poor idiots who follow his lead. The idea of two-tier policing – the false allegation that...

13.08.2024 50

The Irish Times

Fintan O&x27Toole

Ireland has gone from an emigrant society to an immigrant-emigrant society

It’s a strange thought that in the same week that Simon Harris was born, in October 1987, the then minister for foreign affairs Brian Lenihan gave...

06.08.2024 10

The Irish Times

Fintan O&x27Toole

Emigration was a central fact of Irish culture. Now immigration can taken its place

It’s a strange thought that in the same week that Simon Harris was born, in October 1987, the then minister for foreign affairs Brian Lenihan gave...

06.08.2024 30

The Irish Times

Fintan O&x27Toole

Fintan O’Toole: With all the confidence of a hostage in a ransom video, Catherine Martin began dismantling RTÉ

I was going to write that the Government’s “plan” for RTÉ is a dog’s dinner, but the Irish Times lawyers warned that this would risk multiple...

30.07.2024 20

The Irish Times

Fintan O&x27Toole

Joe Biden has ended the agony. The Democrats now have a fighting chance to save the American republic

On Saturday afternoon, while Joe Biden was reaching the tormented end of his losing struggle with old age, I happened to be in Galway at Garry...

22.07.2024 20

The Irish Times

Fintan O&x27Toole

The far right is just a Farage away from breaking through in Irish politics

If, as now seems highly likely, Donald Trump wins back the American presidency in November, the consequences will be felt well beyond the United...

16.07.2024 20

The Irish Times

Fintan O&x27Toole

For his already fanatical devotees Trump’s survival will add to his messianic appeal

“There’s no place in America for this kind of violence.” President Joe Biden’s reaction to the attempted assassination of Donald Trump was...

15.07.2024 20

The Irish Times

Fintan O&x27Toole

Keir Starmer needs to start thinking and talking about Brexit

Keir Starmer is halfway to defying the conventional wisdom that successful politicians campaign in poetry but govern in prose. Starmer campaigned in...

08.07.2024 10

The Irish Times

Fintan O&x27Toole

Fintan O’Toole: Democrats and their media allies pretended everything was fine. It’s not fine

Hage Geingob died in early February. This was neither a personal tragedy nor a political earthquake. He was 82 and had led a very full life. And the...

02.07.2024 20

The Irish Times

Fintan O&x27Toole

Joe Biden’s insistence on running again in November is an old man’s folly

Hage Geingob died in early February. This was neither a personal tragedy nor a political earthquake. He was 82 and had led a very full life. And the...

02.07.2024 10

The Irish Times

Fintan O&x27Toole

Cathal Crotty’s suspended sentence another example of how judicial system is failing women

Karl Sutton banged Tiffany Curtis’s head off the floor and off the walls. Before she blacked out “she remembered him dancing on her back and...

25.06.2024 20

The Irish Times

Fintan O&x27Toole

Religious orders are sharing their records north of the Border and concealing them in the South

The North is a political basket case and the South works better. Well, if you were incarcerated in or adopted from a mother and baby home or a...

18.06.2024 30

The Irish Times

Fintan O&x27Toole

Sinn Féin was the shock absorber of Irish politics. It’s worn out

What’s happened now is that Irish politics has lost its shock absorber. At one level, the local and European elections tell us that things do not...

10.06.2024 40

The Irish Times

Fintan O&x27Toole

There’s one fundamental reason why we have a housing crisis

The State is happier when it’s spending money to keep people in bad circumstances than it is when it’s spending to make their lives better. This...

04.06.2024 50

The Irish Times

Fintan O&x27Toole

There’s one fundamental reason why we have a housing crisis

The State is happier when it’s spending money to keep people in bad circumstances than it is when it’s spending to make their lives better. This...

04.06.2024 20

The Irish Times

Fintan O&x27Toole

Ireland is poor at innovation, but a world-class producer of complacency and self-satisfaction

Last week, I stirred some outrage by uttering heresy: the indigenous Irish economy has a problem with innovation. In a piece about Tony O’Reilly, I...

28.05.2024 50

The Irish Times

Fintan O&x27Toole

Tony O’Reilly’s secret past shaped his need to play the life of an Ascendancy landlord

Tony O’Reilly, who died on Saturday, became a marketing genius when he put a gold wrapper on a slab of old Ireland, creating the Kerrygold brand...

20.05.2024 100

The Irish Times

Fintan O&x27Toole

Ireland is still not sure how to confront its most formative trauma

It’s now possible that by 2041, the island of Ireland will have a population of more than eight million. If so, it will again be inhabited by as...

14.05.2024 60

The Irish Times

Fintan O&x27Toole

A hard Border is now a patriotic cause - and we laughed at the Brits for that kind of nonsense

The first rule of politics: don’t raise expectations that you can do impossible things. The most impossible thing on this island is controlling the...

07.05.2024 50

The Irish Times

Fintan O&x27Toole

Catastrophic decline of wild Irish salmon is another of the slow scandals of Irish life

Fintan, as his name naturally implies, was a person of transcendent wisdom and insight. In Irish mythology, he is the only human on the island of...

30.04.2024 40

The Irish Times

Fintan O&x27Toole

Have we ditched the Stardust-era stereotype that the working classes are wild and reckless?

Once might be carelessness; twice begins to look like unconscious bias. To come to terms with the full import of last week’s inquest verdicts of...

23.04.2024 30

The Irish Times

Fintan O&x27Toole

Biden and the West have been sleepwalking into a Middle East war. Now it is becoming a reality

What happened on Saturday night was something the world has not seen before: it was the first time Iran directly attacked Israel from its own...

15.04.2024 40

The Irish Times

Fintan O&x27Toole

If Israel succeeds in Gaza, it will drag the West down with it

In 1991, the Israeli writer Ari Shavit, who was then 34, reported for his annual stint as a reserve soldier. When told that he was to serve as a...

09.04.2024 60

The Irish Times

Fintan O&x27Toole

Fine Gael’s choice to replace a property-owning democracy with a rent-paying one has unsettled a generation

It is no great insult to Simon Harris to say that he is very unlikely to be up to the job of rescuing Irish political conservatism. It’s not clear...

02.04.2024 30

The Irish Times

Fintan O&x27Toole

Simon Harris has risen without trace, another case of survival of the smoothest

On Thursday, in the prime slot on Morning Ireland, Neale Richmond drove the first big tank on to the succession lawn. He started the logroll of Fine...

26.03.2024 10

The Irish Times

Fintan O&x27Toole

Leo Varadkar, the populist uncomfortable with people

In May 2002, just after Fine Gael under Michael Noonan had suffered its worst defeat in a general election since 1948, a young party activist gave his...

23.03.2024 10

The Irish Times

Fintan O&x27Toole

Lidl wants MetroLink redesigned so it can build apartments. And can you pay the bill please?

Things in Ireland that merit the adjective “breath-taking”. The Cliffs of Moher on a wild Atlantic day. The light radiating from a snow-covered...

19.03.2024 10

The Irish Times

Fintan O&x27Toole

Invited to replace a potent 1930s vision with a wishy-washy 2020s gesture, voters said no

To understand why the Government suffered such humiliating defeats in last week’s referendums, we have to look at both the close-up and the wide...

11.03.2024 10

The Irish Times

Fintan O&x27Toole

If the care referendum is such a progressive change, why was the process such a travesty?

Easy listening is music for people who don’t like music. And the wording of the referendum on care is social democracy for people who don’t like...

05.03.2024 40

The Irish Times

Fintan O&x27Toole

Catherine Martin can save her political career and do something big for Irish democracy

Instructions for the governance of RTÉ: 1. Procure a goblet-like liturgical vessel. 2. Obtain a toxic substance. 3. Place poison in chalice. 4. Offer...

27.02.2024 10

The Irish Times

Fintan O&x27Toole

Absent RTÉ witnesses make Oireachtas committee hearings a cross between Waiting for Godot and Where’s Wally?

The tribunes of the people are not too proud to beg. Last week, Niamh Smyth, the impressive chair of the Oireachtas Joint Committee looking into the...

20.02.2024 30

The Irish Times

Fintan O&x27Toole

Government’s plan for people like me is bizarre and self-sabotaging

I’m well aware that on the spectrum of interesting things, sex is at one end and pensions at the other. But since I reach pensionable age this week,...

13.02.2024 90

The Irish Times

Fintan O&x27Toole

Fintan O’Toole: Dee Forbes’s illness has implications that radiate far beyond Montrose

Dee Forbes is unwell. In normal circumstances, respect for her privacy would oblige us to leave it at that. But these are not normal circumstances....

06.02.2024 30

The Irish Times

Fintan O&x27Toole

Idea that article 41.2 had no real-life consequences is rubbish. Just ask the Aer Lingus ‘girls’

In 1968, everything was groovy. Hey Jude and Jumpin’ Jack Flash were on the radio and 2001: A Space Odyssey was blowing everyone’s mind. Meanwhile...

30.01.2024 100

The Irish Times

Fintan O&x27Toole

Fintan O’Toole: We trusted Ivor Browne with our darkest secrets. He was one of Ireland’s great liberators

In June 1966, the chairman of what was then called the Dublin Health Authority, Joseph Connolly, ceremonially toppled one of the big grey stones that...

25.01.2024 30

The Irish Times

Fintan O&x27Toole

It is absurd to claim ‘Roscrea is full’. The town’s real problem is depopulation

“Roscrea Is Full” says the sign held up by residents of the North Tipperary town protesting against the housing of asylum seekers in Racket Hall...

23.01.2024 50

The Irish Times

Fintan O&x27Toole

We know all about the fear of ‘unvetted’ single male migrants. We were their chief exporter

“Unvetted“, unattached single male migrants are a terror to their host society. Especially when they are gathered together in hostels with no...

16.01.2024 10

The Irish Times

Fintan O&x27Toole

It’s striking how brazen and open the incitement against Irish Jews has become

A widely distributed freesheet newspaper called The Irish Light comes unbidden through my letterbox. It is edited by former Irish Independent...

09.01.2024 20

The Irish Times

Fintan O&x27Toole

Ireland was a country of secrets, but have we become a nation of oversharers?

I have very few unpublished thoughts. If you write newspaper columns once or even twice a week for over 30 years, almost everything that happens to...

02.01.2024 30

The Irish Times

Fintan O&x27Toole

We have two Christmases: the one we experience and the one we remember

I have a theory that when Irish writers describe Christmas in prose it is in general quite glum but when they evoke it in poetry it is rather magical....

25.12.2023 10

The Irish Times

Fintan O&x27Toole

Slaughter of innocents cannot be easy for the perpetrators, but their tears are for themselves

Why do men kill children? Because it’s hard. Men who kill children prove to themselves and their superiors that they are hard men. Hamas murdered...

19.12.2023 50

The Irish Times

Fintan O&x27Toole

Referendum wording does not remove conservative 1930s doctrine. It reinforces it

In my Catholic childhood I noted that there were some ostentatiously holy people who would genuflect properly in church, bending down on the right...

12.12.2023 10

The Irish Times

Fintan O&x27Toole
