Kamala's 'New Way Forward' Is Just Big Government
Kamala Harris, trying desperately to separate herself from her (remarkably unpopular) boss, Joe Biden, and the administration she has loyally served for almost four years, has settled on a new campaign slogan: “A New Way Forward.” A quick review reveals, though, that Harris’s proposals don’t offer much in the way of “new,” or “forward” – they’re the same tired, liberal, Big Government clichés Democrats have been offering for years. Her plans add up to the same thing we’re used to seeing from Democrats before her – more spending, higher taxes, and higher prices, with more power in Washington and less freedom for you.
Start with her most obvious Big Government proposal – Vermont socialist Senator Bernie Sanders’ single-payer system healthcare proposal, which would have eliminated private health insurance for the roughly 200 million individuals in the United States presently covered by it, and replaced it with a government-run system that was estimated to cost a jaw-dropping $33 trillion over a decade. Just months after being sworn in to her first term in the U.S. Senate, Harris signed on as a cosponsor of that budget-busting, freedom-destroying legislation that would have upended one-sixth of the U.S. economy and put government bureaucrats between........
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