Denley: Trudeau resignation — so much for Doug Ford's election plans
There is simply no way a provincial election can compete for public and media attention when it’s up against a long-anticipated federal bloodletting.
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Now that the uncertainty about Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s future is over, let’s look at the collateral damage caused by Trudeau’s resignation announcement.
High on the list is Ontario Premier Doug Ford’s wished-for spring election. With Parliament prorogued until March 24 while the federal Liberals choose a new leader, there is simply no window for Ford to hold an election in May or June, as was widely rumoured. Once a new Liberal leader is in place, either that leader or the combined opposition will move quickly to initiate a federal election.
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That’s a blow to Ford’s plans, and the issue isn’t just timing. With Trudeau in power, it was relatively easy for Ford to contrast........
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