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Voters Want Tax Day to Look Different for Billionaires

18 1

Women and families shouldn’t have to struggle to meet caregiving needs while billionaires buy their third yacht and mega corporations see record profits. This Tax Day, while most of us are stressing about filing our tax returns correctly, many billionaires will laugh all the way to the bank as they pay a lower tax rate than their secretaries.

New polling from the National Women’s Law Center and MomsRising shows us that respondents are sick of this status quo, and that they overwhelmingly support raising taxes on the richest to invest in care priorities.

For years, lawmakers on both sides of the aisle have insisted that if we give tax cuts to those at the top, everyone will feel the benefits. Fifty years of research has decidedly disproven this theory.

Imagine instead a tax system where the richest pay their fair share, which allows us to invest in our shared priorities.

Tax giveaways for the wealthiest and biggest corporations don’t create jobs or raise salaries; instead, they help pad bonuses for top executives and boost payouts for wealthy shareholders. And in some cases, profitable companies can avoid paying federal taxes entirely.

Meanwhile, families are struggling to hold it together.

Childcare prices h ave continued to surge as childcare programs grapple with waning resources after the expiration of federal childcare funding in September.

Women, and predominantly women in low-paid work, are forced to choose between caring for a loved one or keeping their job.

And a lack of robust public investment has decimated our ability to provide good quality home and community-based care for aging and disabled people.

Furthermore, the people who work in these care roles and who are—you guessed it—predominantly women, are driven into poverty or out of the workforce by unsustainable wages and poor working conditions.

Yet, instead of collecting more tax revenue from those at the top so that we can invest in our chronically underfunded care systems, Republicans have decided to double down on the disastrous course of more tax cuts for the wealthiest.

All of us will need to care for ourselves or a family member at some point in our lives, and many of us provide care for a living. If the wealthiest individuals and corporations simply paid their fair share in taxes, there would be more than enough to invest in childcare, paid leave, and aging and disability care, which would help our families and........

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