
Common Dreams

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The Plutocrats are Overplaying Their Hand: How About Doing Something About It?

latest 1

Common Dreams

Steven Day

Be Prepared to Fight Trump's Mass Deportations

latest 1

Common Dreams

Phil Wilson

JD Vance, Kamala Harris, and the Illusion of Inclusion

latest 1

Common Dreams

Peter Bloom

Will Kamala Harris Pivot on Gaza and Win the ‘Uncommitted’ Vote?

latest 1

Common Dreams

Jon Rainwater

Be Afraid: Here’s What ALEC Is Cooking up at Its 51st Annual Meeting

State lawmakers, right-wing operatives, and corporate lobbyists are descending on the Rocky Mountain state to vote on model policies and...

yesterday 9

Common Dreams

David Armiak

Feeding Inspiration With the Refugee Olympic Team

These athletes are a testament to what people can overcome—but nobody should have to; hunger is manmade, and the solutions can be, too.

yesterday 2

Common Dreams

Emily Tyree

Rising Military Suicides Bring the War on Terror Home

As with its post-9/11 wars and interventions, the U.S. military’s effort to stem suicides has come up distinctly short.

yesterday 1

Common Dreams

Nick Turse

Senate Dems: Don’t Let Manchin Do Big Oil One Last Favor

Manchin’s latest attempt at permitting reform would try and force the approval of huge new LNG export terminals along the Gulf Coast, which are...

yesterday 0

Common Dreams

Bill Mckibben

Dems Can Win If They Go on the Offensive

They must focus all their energy on reminding voters of just how extreme former President Donald Trump is while offering an alternative vision for...

yesterday 1

Common Dreams

Joe Wagner

Netanyahu Came to Congress to Plead for More Arms; Lawmakers Must Say No

An immediate end to all U.S. weapons transfers to Israel is long overdue, alongside a permanent cease-fire and larger pursuit of freedom and...

yesterday 30

Common Dreams

Farrah Hassen

JD Vance Is Just the Latest GOP Grifter to Try and Con America

The Republican grift has already reversed over 50 years of progress, and now Trump and Vance want to double down.

previous day 5

Common Dreams

Thom Hartmann

What Kamala Harris Must Do to Win Working Class Voters

If Harris and the Democrats don’t find a way to intervene to stop the needless mass layoffs that are happening right now, there’s a good chance...

previous day 10

Common Dreams

Les Leopold

How Changing Your Daily Coffee Habits Can Make a Difference This Plastic-Free July

Join the global social movement helping millions of people around the world reduce their plastic waste by choosing to refuse single-use items like...

previous day 10

Common Dreams

Rebecca Prince-Ruiz

It Is Time for Biden to Back a Moratorium on Deep-Sea Mining

A U.S. moratorium would send a strong message that it supports neither destructive seabed mining nor creating a new domestic market for minerals...

previous day 6

Common Dreams

Janis Searles Jones

A Standing Ovation for Genocide

If a man like Netanyahu had walked through their home and mangled their children’s bodies so much that they could never forget the way they...

previous day 3

Common Dreams

Danaka Katovich

Why the ICJ Ruling on Israel’s Occupation of Palestine Matters

This level of judicial consensus in such a politically polarized atmosphere lends support for viewing the court’s decision as authoritative when...

previous day 3

Common Dreams

Richard Falk

Taking On Bigots, Yahoos and Perpetrators Of All Kinds

Talk about flipping the script. Within days, in an historic act of grace, old Joe did the "right and honorable thing" and handed the reins to...

previous day 50

Common Dreams

Abby Zimet

Biden’s Slow Exit Reveals the Flaws in the Democratic Party’s Culture

Obsequious loyalty, top-down decision-making, and an obsession with fundraising have made the party less responsible to its rank and file,...

wednesday 5

Common Dreams

Norman Solomon

Why the Congressional Black Caucus Should Boycott Netanyahu’s Speech

Black members of Congress skipped Netanyahu’s 2015 address in defense of Obama; will they do the same in defense of Palestinians?

wednesday 1

Common Dreams

Khury Petersen-Smith

Kamala Harris Is the Winning Choice for Seniors

As president, Harris will expand Social Security and Medicare and ensure that all benefits will continue to be paid in full and on time for the...

wednesday 1

Common Dreams

Nancy J. Altman

What I Learned at a Gaza Solidarity Encampment in the Heart of the Beast

We are most powerful when we dismantle the systems designed to isolate, disconnect, and distract us from uniting against the genocide in Gaza.

wednesday 1

Common Dreams

Moataz Salim

10 Principles for Perpetual Peace in the 21st Century

The United Nations-based structures are fragile and in need of an urgent upgrade; we should consider this one at the U.N. Summit of the Future in...

wednesday 2

Common Dreams

Jeffrey D. Sachs

Why Does Netanyahu Get More Security Than NATO Leaders?

This increased security underscores the outrage of millions of U.S. citizens that he has been invited to speak at the U.S. Congress as he conducts...

wednesday 1

Common Dreams

Ann Wright

Genocidaire Netanhayu Does Not Deserve to Address Congress a Record 4th Time

The invitation has outraged many Israelis—majorities of whom despise Netanyahu, who is under indictment by Israeli prosecutors for corruption.

23.07.2024 4

Common Dreams

Ralph Nader

10 Reasons Netanyahu Should Not Address Congress

Members of Congress should boycott Netanyahu’s address, and the public should join the protests being organized during his visit.

23.07.2024 20

Common Dreams

Medea Benjamin

Election 2024 Won’t Be a Trump/Biden Rematch; What’s Next?

The stakes are still as high as they were since the campaigns kicked off more than a year ago.

23.07.2024 4

Common Dreams

James Zogby

Honor the Victims of the Nuclear Age by Bringing It to an End

Taking nuclear disarmament seriously is not only an existential imperative at this very moment, but an obligation of all state parties to the...

23.07.2024 4

Common Dreams

Ivana Nikolić Hughes

The Great Global Computer Outage Is a Warning We Ignore at Our Peril

If we cannot control the effects of our own technological invention then in what sense can those creations be said to serve human interests and...

23.07.2024 4

Common Dreams

Tom Valovic
