I don't want a PM with a sense of humour who plays along. I just want a grown-up
I have a problem and I hope I'm not alone. I actually want politicians to concentrate on what matters. I don't need them to have a sense of humour. I don't need them to play along. I just want them to be grown-ups doing grown-things.
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So it was that on Tuesday morning, when many of us had already returned to work, fingers to the keyboard (yes, yes but grindstones are metaphorical these days), and the Prime Minister had already begun his pre-election campaign so early in the year. How early? Too early. Visit to a far-off and unlikely electorate here, visit to a far-off and even more unlikely to vote Labor electorate there.
And then he goes on the Today show. And what does he get asked about? Effing cabanas.
Nine's Alex Cullen sets him up nicely.
"Prime Minister, you are the leader of the nation and I want to ask you this very, very important question. There's been fierce online debate about beachgoers arriving at the beach early and using their cabanas to reserve their spots. So, essentially setting up the cabana, going away, leaving the beach and then coming back and coming back later in the day. So, you're reserving your spot, basically.
"Where do you sit, Prime Minister, on this burning question that is today dividing the nation?"
And how does he reply?
Actually, as Patrick Keneally of the Guardian, posted on BlueSky: "Albo saying that people claiming spots on beaches with cabanas is 'unAustralian' but I reckon landing on a beach and staking territory that isn't yours is the most Australian thing I've heard of."
Perfect. No notes. And perhaps the PM might have considered that as he joked his way through another morning........
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