3 Reasons Your Marketing is Failing (And How to Fix It)
Do you ever want to pull your hair out when you start to think about marketing your business? If you're nodding, you're not alone. There are endless ways to market your business, which can be super frustrating. But, as you likely know, marketing is essential to business growth, so keep reading to get a step-by-step guide to uncomplicate your marketing so you can grow your business.
Related: Failed Startups Made These 7 Marketing Mistakes — Are You Making Them, Too?
The number one reason business owners get frustrated with marketing is that they don't have a strategy in place. They're flinging things against a wall to see what works but not getting any results.
Many business owners tend to do what they hear is "working" right now (which seriously can change by the minute). But every business is different, so what Bob down the street is doing won't necessarily work for your business. Creating a strategy does not need to take much time, but it will help keep you focused and hit your goals.
Another big no-no I see is business owners who hire someone's sister's 18-year-old niece to do their marketing since they "know how to do social media." This is detrimental for a variety of reasons. First, being active on social media doesn't mean........
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