Tom Clonan

Tom Clonan


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Tom Clonan: Putin's attack on a children's hospital this week was a bestial crime

The security expert says the latest developments in Ukraine this week are depressingly familiar.

10.07.2024 10


Tom Clonan

Tom Clonan: US money is a shot in the arm for Ukraine defence

The security analyst looks at the state of play in the war in Ukraine and assesses how much the agreed US money will help.

23.04.2024 20


Tom Clonan

Tom Clonan: Everything about Netanyahu's character says he will retaliate in a heavy-handed way

The security analyst says never before has strong global leadership been so badly needed and in such short supply.

15.04.2024 20


Tom Clonan

An emboldened Putin in Ukraine and a possible Trump return pose real dangers to Europe

The security analyst says we’re at a crossroads in this conflict, two years after the Ukraine war began.

20.02.2024 50


Tom Clonan

Israel has pursued the relentless massacre of innocent Palestinians in Gaza

The security analyst says an immediate and permanent ceasefire is the only hope now for Gaza.

12.02.2024 20


Tom Clonan

A defeated Ukraine would be a military and political disaster for the EU and NATO

The security analyst says the West cannot afford to drop the ball when it comes to support for Ukraine, the stakes are too high.

30.12.2023 9


Tom Clonan

Israel is fast losing international credibility and support over its crimes in Gaza

The security analyst says Israel will not achieve the stability it deserves as a sovereign state by murdering innocent Palestinian civilians.

26.12.2023 20


Tom Clonan

Gaza has become hell on earth, while the world just watches

The security analyst says with both sides clearly in breach of the Geneva Convention, now is the time for moral leadership.

13.12.2023 20


Tom Clonan
