Sarah AmeerDaily Times |
A suicide bombing, orchestrated by the Baloch Liberation Army (BLA), at the Quetta Railway Station, on Saturday, resulted in the death of at least...
Earlier, this month, Russia hosted the 6th meeting of the Moscow Format of Consultation on Afghanistan with the participation of special...
The Indian Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJ&K) is currently in its second phase of the state assembly elections. The election marks the first since...
It’s no overstatement to say that no other country can best use the art of double-game as India; pursuing its interest while throwing its allies...
Narco trafficking has been a nuisance for nations for centuries. Countries around the world introduced stringent measures to uproot this menace...
India, which takes great pride in calling itself the biggest consumer and exporter of spices in the world, is currently in hot waters due to the...
Last week on Wednesday, the Afghan Taliban celebrated three years of their return to power by carrying out a military parade and brandishing its...
In the modern era, the nature of warfare is no longer limited to physical combat but has rather extended to the domain of narrative building as...
The phenomenon of immigration has existed for as long as human history, always driven by pursuit for better economic and educational opportunities....
Every year on July 19, Kashmiris living across the globe observe “Kashmir’s Accession to Pakistan Day”. 77 years ago, at the time of the...