Peter LewisBrisbane Times |
As 2024 approaches end of days, I’m taking comfort in a piece of old technology called a book. I’m not sure it’s a great book but it’s got me...
As Donald Trump raids the Fox News desk to staff his Addams Family of a second administration, we await with bated breath for how the latest season...
Australia is facing the extreme risk of dangerous concentrations of high pressure and hot air this summer. There is also a strong likelihood of...
As the schlock horror show that is the 2024 US presidential election campaign reaches its perilous endgame, the world is on a knife edge, like...
King Charles III – or as Tony Abbott no doubt now calls him, “Sir” King – is gracing our humble shores this week marking, in no particular...
The political poles are moving – and that’s not a typo. The stark class divides of 20th century politics are flipping, with once conservative...
The push to ban children from social media is gathering steam, but it’s an idea as footloose as the eponymous big-haired 1980s musical about the...
It was the historian Donald Horne who dubbed Australia a “lucky country run mainly by second-rate people who share its luck”. The nation totally...
Peter Dutton’s “cunning plan” to “divide” his way into power is gaining traction with last week’s relentless attack on Palestinians fleeing Gaza...
The great silence that has enveloped our nation since last year’s referendum is lifting, as those who issued the invitation to walk together for a...
While the world watches agog, preparing for an increasingly plausible second coming of Donald Trump, our own opposition leader is paying more...
In just over a week Australians shall break from our tribal hostilities to cheer as one under the glow of the Olympic flame as our quest for...