By Janice BellEvening Times |
Dear Janice, My wee boy has ginger hair, and he gets short end of the stick about it. It was fine when he was little, but now he’s nearly...
Dear Janice, I invited some playgroup mums and their kids to my house, but I very quickly regretted it. I know they are only...
Dear Janice, I came home from nightshift last week and my wife was gone, and I don’t know who to turn to or where to start. I thought she was out...
Dear Janice, Last year, when I opened my last Christmas present from my partner, I realised that the five star hotel and spa booking I secretly...
Dear Janice, You wrote recently about a guy who expected his partner to spice up his sex life by dressing up in sexy underwear. Well, it’s not just...
Dear Janice, my husband and I are in our late 50s, the kids are grown up and have families of their own and we are bored with each other. Our...
Dear Janice, My mum passed away when I was little, and as I’m an only child I’m left solely to care for my dad, so the thought of him getting old...
Dear Janice, I’m dating a guy I really like, and I got the impression that he was right into me too, but the other night I overheard him say to his...
Dear Janice, My girlfriend says she needs space, and I am gutted as I thought we were getting along brilliantly. I had so many plans for our...
Dear Janice, I no longer want to be the one who always fixes people. It feels constant, whether it’s at work, at home or with friends, they all...
Dear Janice, My gorgeous dog passed away three months ago, and I’m still grieving and feel lost without her as she was my shadow for twelve...