Anony MeeAmerican Thinker |
Photo Credit: GrokThankfully, there is an immediately effective first...
Photo Credit: YouTubeBringing legal consistency to an important but...
Our national debt is a little over $35 trillion. That’s a lot. Addressing this head-on is not for the weak, the weepy, or those lacking gonads or...
The main job of Congress is to enact legislation so that the executive branch can carry out its constitutional responsibilities. I’ve touched on...
It looks as if We the People have won the trifecta – White House, Senate, House. Every state but my stupid state of Washington shifted to the...
One of President Trump’s goals is to reduce the size and cost of government, a heady and necessary project. The first step is for We the People to...
Based on my experience, I guess that, by January 2025, over the preceding four years, we will have admitted 20 million more folks in this country...